
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Today Wonders If Europe Will Swoon for Obama Again?

Previewing Barack Obama's trip to Italy for the G8 summit, on Wednesday's Today show, NBC's Matt Lauer asked Savannah Guthrie what kind of reaction the President will receive as Lauer noted the ...

Tough Tapper Interview With Obama Fails to Hold Interest of Jackson-obsessed ABC

Despite devoting almost the entire Good Morning America program on Tuesday to Michael Jackson, ABC could only find three minutes for a hard-hitting Jake Tapper interview with Barack Obama. And ...

Seven Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan Get 1/20th Time Given to Jackson

Two days after the Washington Post carried a letter from a woman who asked "where was the coverage of my nephew or the other soldiers" who were killed in the days after Michael Jackson died, ...

ABC Showcases Russian Teens Excited by Obama: 'Energetic' and 'Innovator'

After the Bush years Russians are naturally "wary" of a U.S. President, but ABC still managed to highlight teens, at a "Kremlin-sponsored summer camp," optimistic about President Obama." One ...

CNN's Jack Cafferty Again Derides Palin, Calls Her 'Lame'

CNN's Jack Cafferty, on Monday's Situation Room, referred to one of Sarah Palin's reasons for her resignation, that she wanted to avoid becoming a lame duck, then cracked: "She was already lame."

ABC's Sawyer Asks Sheriff if He's 'Concerned' People Have 'Guns Right by the Side'

Even with a serial killer on the loose in South Carolina, ABC's Diane Sawyer was asking the local sheriff if he was concerned about the community "arming up and we're reading that ammunition is ...

WaPo Editor Compares 'Most Effective' Henry Waxman to Ted Williams, King David

Washington Post associated editor Robert Kaiser reviewed a new book by ultraliberal Rep. Henry Waxman, lauding the legislator as comparable to baseball star Ted Williams and biblical hero King ...

CNN Anchor: 'Elitist' to Disdain Overcoverage of Michael Jackson

CNN daytime anchor Don Lemon asserted on Sunday's Reliable Sources that claims that the media are overcovering Michael Jackson are "elitist." He twice saluted Jackson as an "accidental civil ...

Regrets Media Didn't Memorialize a Soldier Killed Same Day Jackson Died

Army 1st Lt. Brian N. Bradshaw was killed in Afghanistan, fighting in a war to protect all Americans, the same day that Michael Jackson died, prompting a letter to the Washington Post from ...

Tucker on ABC: Palin 'Nixon Without the Policy Knowledge or the Experience'

Sarah Palin hasn't had it as tough as Hillary Clinton and at her Friday announcement Palin "came across as petty and vindictive. Richard Nixon without the policy knowledge or the experience," ...
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