
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Papers Play Up 'Bold' Turn to the Right at High Court, Suggest Sotomayor Can't Stop the Tide

The Washington Post and New York Times published similar Supreme Court "analysis" pieces on their front pages Wednesday offering the theme that the court under Chief Justice John Roberts is moving ...

NY Times: Supreme Court Firefighter Decision 'A Blow to Diversity'

The New York Times' lead editorial Wednesday proudly flew the liberal flag, calling the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in Ricci v. DeStefano (aka the New Haven firefighter case) "a blow to diversity ...

ABC Features Own Journalist in 'Debate' With Conservative Gingrich on Health Care

ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson, a fervent fan of universal health care, actually talked to the other side on Wednesday, featuring Newt Gingrich for what an onscreen graphic labeled a "debate" on the merits ...

Baier: Purdum's Vanity Fair Hit Piece Example of 'Palin Derangement Syndrome'

"Another case of Sarah Palin derangement syndrome has reared its ugly head," FNC's Bret Baier announced Tuesday night in citing Todd Purdum's lengthy piece in the August issue of Vanity Fair ...

CBS's Logan Relays Concerns U.S. Troops Withdrawing Too Soon in Iraq

On Monday's CBS Evening News, Lara Logan relayed concerns that U.S. troops in Iraq may be pulling back too quickly: "Off camera, several senior Iraqi officers told us they would have liked to have ...

ABC Hits Reverse Discrimination Case From Left; CBS Skips It Entirely

Following up on Monday's Supreme Court ruling in favor of white and Hispanic firefighters denied promotion after no black applicants passed an exam, ABC's Bob Woodruff on Tuesday approached the ...

CBS Frames New Haven as 'Conservative' Justices vs 'Civil Rights Leaders'

In the midst of pretty balanced evening newscast stories on the Ricci reverse discrimination case involving New Haven firefighters, one quibble: CBS's Wyatt Andrews framed the ruling as issued by ...

CNN's Toobin: 'Five Conservatives' Ruled for Firefighters

During CNN's breaking news coverage of the Supreme Court's reversal of Sonia Sotomayor in a reverse discrimination case, CNN's Jeffrey Toobin labeled the majority as "five conservatives" and ...

Matthews: Has GOP 'Embarrassed Themselves' Out of Family Values Biz?

Chris Matthews, on his syndicated The Chris Matthews Show, over the weekend, wondered if the Mark Sanford scandal will make the GOP a more tolerant party as he asked his panel: "Have Republicans ...

MSNBC Features NYT Columnist to Deride Hypocrisy of Red State Conservatives

MSNBC's Carlos Watson on Monday provided a friendly forum for New York Times opinion writer Charles Blow to link red states and social conservatism with the hypocrisy of sex scandal-ridden ...
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