
'Nightly News' Focuses on Greenland Melt, Ignores Antarctic Ice Expansion

NBC correspondent goes to Greenland to expose global warming, but expert in segment admits fallibility of climate model predictions.

Democratic Congresswoman Blames 'Global Warming' for California Wildfires

Rep. Linda Sanchez attributes new weather patterns to climate change and says the 'habitual wildfires' demonstrate a need to do something about it.

Global Warming Overshadowed: Media Give Massive Cap-and-Trade Tax Second Billing

Suppression of science and narrow passage of climate change legislation take back seat to celebrity deaths and health care.

Deutsche Bank Launches 'Carbon Counter' Over Madison Square Garden

Bank calls for astounding $45 trillion over the next 40 years to be put toward 'renewable energy.'

Climatologist Blames Global Warming for Air France Crash

Alexei Kokorin, climatologist for Russia's WWF's Climate Program says 'frequency and severity' of severe weather conditions near crash site is higher due to global warming.

Austin, Texas Requires Green Audit for Real Estate or Face Criminal Charges

Local government of Austin 'green' ordinance requires mandatory $300 'clean energy audit' according to NBC affiliate; Non-compliance classified as Class C misdemeanor.

ABC Turns to Doomsday Propaganda to Push Global Warming Solutions

Network spends two hours predicting future, promoting Obama and left-wing climate ideas or mankind doomed to new 'dark ages.'

ABC Global Warming Special Makes Up Future, But It's Not 'Sci-Fi'

'Good Morning America' promotes going green and 'a different kind of journalism.'

Media Myth: Networks Ignore Trillion-Dollar Price Tag of Climate Cap Bill

Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill leaves committee while ABC, CBS, NBC remain silent.

GE's Jeff Immelt: Global Warming 'Compelling'; Cap-and-Trade Most 'Effective' Way to Go

CEO of parent company of NBC Universal argues for carbon price to create 'certainty.'
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