7/8/2010 6:07 AM ET
Famed 'Science Guy' and global warming alarmist says scandal was based on out-of-context twisted phrases; Lomborg still questions credibility.
5/25/2010 6:39 PM ET
'World News' segment cut skeptic interview from 11 minute to just 10 seconds, then links it with white supremacists.
5/24/2010 10:31 AM ET
'World News' segment tags discredited 'hockey-stick graph' professor Michael Mann as victim of hate groups.
5/19/2010 9:43 AM ET
M.I.T. professor says 'skepticism' implies anthropogenic global warming theory a 'plausible proposition.'
5/18/2010 6:18 AM ET
U.K. Telegraph journalist credited for coining the term 'ClimateGate' maintains manmade warming debate a fight for 'liberty.'
5/12/2010 12:18 PM ET
Bad data, bad public relations, new investigation bedevil quest for cap-and-tax bill.
4/28/2010 1:00 AM ET
Science and faith are mutually exclusive. Except when they're useful.
4/27/2010 5:11 PM ET
Executive editor of climate change website explains why suit against spoof of Penn State climate scientist is without merit.
4/23/2010 4:44 PM ET
ABC's Nightline on Thursday provided a welcome look at the significant number of meteorologists in America who are skeptical of man-made global warming. Instead of simply dismissing their views, ...