10/6/2010 3:11 PM ET
Shocking British short to promote cutting carbon emissions shows skeptics being blown up for not participating.
9/1/2010 11:34 AM ET
Jim Garrison laments the failure of the eco-left to legislate change on climate issues, surprisingly suggests private sector might be quickest route to change.
8/18/2010 6:12 PM ET
MSNBC host bewildered that Republican candidates would use threat of higher energy taxes supported by Democrats as campaign fodder.
8/18/2010 3:45 PM ET
From Associated Press to national newspapers, coverage of floods, fires, droughts, sinkholes make 'case' for global warming alarmism.
8/11/2010 7:15 AM ET
Former vice president, now climate alarmism activist, bemoans the inability of the Senate to pass cap-and-trade legislation.
8/10/2010 6:14 PM ET
Skeptic that once called theory of manmade global warming 'arrogant' now admits he believes humans impact climate.
7/23/2010 7:05 PM ET
Network's senior congressional correspondent tries to conflate weather with climate, which alarmists cried foul over during this year's winter weather.
7/19/2010 1:07 PM ET
Morning shows, USA Today focus on 'record' heat; offer dire predictions about droughts, floods and snowfall.
7/14/2010 5:11 PM ET
Lefties complain about lack of media coverage of Muir Russell report, critics point out study was commissioned by university under review.
7/14/2010 11:49 AM ET
Bipartisan delegation creates more carbon in one 'global warming' trip than average person generates annually.