
Matthews: McCain Pushing Same 'Idiot Button' Palin Pushes

An outraged Chris Matthews scolded John McCain, on Tuesday's Hardball, for criticizing Obama's stance on Iran's elections as he exclaimed: "The difference between the President, who is being very ...

Letterman Writer Scheft: Obama 'Too Competent' to Joke About

The proudest moment in his career, Late Show writer Bill Scheft boasted at a Friday comedy writer panel held at Washington, DC's Newseum, was when he got David Letterman to try to undermine guest ...

Jake Tapper Critical of Obama's 'Tiny' Budget Cut Efforts

ABC's White House correspondent reminds viewers Obama mocked opponent McCain for earmark vigilance of same dollar amount.

McCain's "Strong Economy" vs. Obama's "Sound Economy"

When John McCain claimed "the fundamentals of our economy are strong," the Times hammered him as out of touch and ignorant about economics. How will they treat Obama's almost-identical statement?

Maureen Dowd Makes Nice With McCain, on Earmarks

Maureen Dowd sides with John McCain, the twittering King Lear, against the overly passive Barack Obama.

Iseman Calls Times "Out of Control" on False McCain Affair Story

Iseman on the NYT's pursuit of false affair allegations: "I think they became so invested in this I believe that they would have had to have believed in the beginning that this was true....they ...

Lobbyist Vicki Iseman Settles With the Times Over McCain Affair Allegations

The suit by Iseman has been settled in print, without a trial or money changing hands - but with a couple more shots against John McCain.

The Times (Now) Sees Possible Victory in Iraq

After denying the possibility of winning in Iraq during the Bush years, the Times is suddenly having second thoughts: "This is what victory in the war in Iraq was supposed to look like...."

Now They Tell Us: John McCain a "War Hero," Barack Most Liberal Senator

With Obama safely in the White House, McCain-hostile reporter Elisabeth Bumiller says the military preferred McCain to the "liberal" Obama.

There's Even Hope for Pro-McCain Oklahoma

Kirk Johnson: "Not a single county in Oklahoma stirred from the orderly phalanx marching behind Mr. McCain, the senator from Arizona who was the Republican nominee....But that staunchly ...
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