
CBS Morning Show: Middle Class 'Facing Hunger'

'Early Show' uses jobless couple as representative of middle-class families.

Ted Turner's Next Prophecy: Food Riots 'Going to be More Commonplace'

After forecasting cannibalism from global warming, media mogul-turned-U.N. Foundation chairman appears on CNBC and ties 'global climate change' to 'an ever-increasing population.'

More than 33,000 People Send Petition with 'Outrage' Over Time's Doctoring of Iwo Jima Photo

Media Research Center petition demands apology from magazine for 'offensive cover demeaning World War II vets.'

Cramer on Ethanol: 'Drop the Mandate, Prices Plummet'

CNBC host one of few journalists to connect food inflation to government intervention in market.

'Evening News': Foreclosures Causing Increased Homelessness

CBS blames housing crisis, not lost job, for loss of home in foreclosure hardship story.

Burnett Blames U.S. Rice Craze on 'Paranoia'

CNBC reporter says U.S. has no shortage of rice, blames ethanol for increased pressure on food prices.

Networks Ignore Government's Role in Ethanol-Driven Global Food Crisis

Food inflation and hunger riots tied to ethanol mandate U.S. politicians and journalists supported.

NASA's Hansen Rails Against Coal At Fringe Left-Wing Event

'Climate Super Rally' strays from global warming into leftist anti-Bush, anti-Iraq war and anti-corporation event.

RFK Jr.: Quitting Carbon Use Like 'Abolishing' Slavery

Environmentalist's 'manifesto' in Vanity Fair issues call to 'decarbonize' entirely.

ABC's Ross Blames U.S. Gun Industry for Mexican Drug Violence

'World News' goes undercover in gun stores on U.S. side of the Mexican border to bash Second Amendment.
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