
CNBC's Faber on Network TV News: 'That Ship Has Sailed'

High cost of network newsgathering hurting CBS's bottom line and is leading to its ultimate phase-out according to report.

'Evening News' Showcases Green Lunacy: Trees Violate Solar Law

Report ignores inefficiency of solar energy source and property rights implications of California shade ordinance.

'60 Minutes' Scaremongers for Protectionism on Foreign Investment

Report views foreign investment in U.S. as dangerous rather than a sign of economy's profitability.

'World News' Portrays Financially Overstretched Family as Underdogs

Staten Island couple earning less than $30,000 a year defaulted on $335,000 mortgage, but depicted as prey of 'predatory lenders.'

CNN Business Reporter Links Rising Corn Costs to Ethanol

Ali Velshi says government mandated ethanol has led to increase in commodities prices and the cost of the food on your table.

Specter: Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research after 2010

Senior Pennsylvania senator says federal funding is 'not a matter of whether, but when.'

CBS Omits Skepticism of Homeowner Bailout Plan

'Evening News' acts as if mortgage rescue package is taxpayers' duty since 'the government helped rescue Bear Stearns.'

CNBC's Cramer: Job Brings 'A Lot of Death Threats'

'Mad Money' host says criticism of some stocks upsets people enough for him to call police.

'Today' Teaches History, Shows Light at End of Recession Tunnel

NBC morning show assumes economy is in recession, compares current conditions to 1973, 1987 and 2001.

ABC Rides with Foreclosure Police for Economic Heartbreak Report

'Good Morning America's' Mike von Fremd reports on law enforcement having to compel homeowners in foreclosure to leave.
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