
Gaiag Me with a Spoon

No subject, not even Barack Obama and the New Camelot, inspires reporters to drop any pretense of balance and objectivity like the Environment.

Paramount Spokeswoman: 'No Plans' for 'An Inconvenient Truth' Sequel

Publisher says Gore's 'Path to Survival' book with planned release of April 22 pushed back until Spring 2009.

Nightline Uses Math Mistake in Gas Price Attack on Bush

Anchor Cynthia McFadden incorrectly reports gas price increase while trying to pin blame on the administration.

Time Editor Defends Doctoring Iwo Jima Photo, Calls Objective Journalism 'Fantasy'

Stengel says global warming fight just as important as World War II. On journalism rules: We're 'making it up as we go along.'

Newsweek's Clift Shows Eco-Elitism on McCain Gas Tax Holiday Proposal

Columnist tells MSNBC's Joe Scarborough gas tax holiday is a bad idea because it 'abandons environmental consciousness.'

My Big Fat Green Wedding and Other Media Nonsense

National Public Radio kicked off Earth Week with a series of conversations about food's footprint. That's right. Put down that cheeseburger and listen.

Time Magazine Still Unrepentant Despite Veteran Complaints

Spokesman calls use of iconic Iwo Jima image a 'respectful use of this symbol of American valor and courage.'

ABC's Artificial Turf Scare: 'Virtually a Hazardous Waste Dump'

'World News' report claims artificial turf poses a chemical threat despite no cases of health problems ever reported.

Iwo Jima Veterans Blast Time's 'Special Environmental Issue' Cover

Time editor tells MSNBC 'there needs to be a real effort along the lines of World War II to combat global warming and climate change.'

ElectionWatch: Newsweek Devotes 18 Pages to Fawning over 'Green,' Including Candidates' Credentials

Newsweek praises Obama's 'thrilling' speechmaking, looks for the 'greenest candidate' for president and spews tons of global warming alarmism.
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