
CMI VP Gainor Appeared on Nightline to Discuss Chaz Bono Dancing Controversy

Disney-owned ABC selected Dan Gainor as one of the dissenting voices.

Report: For Religion, They're Anti-Social Networks

Christian broadcasters' group finds discrimination in most social media.

Surprise! Perez Hilton's Kids Book is Veiled Gay Propaganda

'The Boy with Pink Hair' is a children's story containing an adult discussion of sexuality.

ABC's Dance with Chaz Bono Highlights Networks LGBT Agenda

News show wishes to 'advance the discussion' with transgender contestant, but labels those opposed 'hate' groups.

Networks Ignore Religion Ban at Ground Zero Ceremony

ABC, CBS, NBC silent on NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg excluding religion at 9/11 memorial.

Study Casts Further Doubt on Jefferson-Hemings Affair. Will Press Notice?

When DNA test pointed to Jefferson paternity, media called it 'old news.'

Greenhouse Attacks 'Arid Absolutism' of Conservative Court's Defense of Free Speech

The paper's former Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse isn't fond of the conservative Supreme Court's expansive view of the First Amendment: "But it's the dissenting opinion of the Burger ...

'Malice in Wonderland' Rewrite has Tea Party Led by 'Mad Hatter' Michele Bachmann

Lefty media website says tea party members have "'officially gone 'Down the Rabbit Hole.'"

Surprise! New Fall TV Lineup Heavy on Sex

Networks turn to one night stands, playboy bunnies and the immature hookup culture to draw viewers this autumn.

Taking After Tebow Again

Christian athlete drives press round the bend.
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