
Year Before Truth Emerged, NYT Reports Vindicated Atlanta School Leader in Cheating Scandal

The Times, on top of the big stories. Lead sentence to its August 10, 2010 report vindicating the Atlanta school system: "The Atlanta public school system was substantially vindicated Monday when ...

Numbers Don't Lie: "Daily Show's" Stewart Hammers Right Nearly Four Times More than Left

Comedy Central host averaged 23 percent of broadcast time attacking GOP and Fox.

ESPN Turns from Sports to Gay-Marriage

From "Play of the Week" to contentious social issues.

'Yay for Gay' iPad Kids' Book 'Teaches Open-mindedness'

Childrens book allows toddler to shake iPad, change gender and sexual orientation of parents.

WaPo Slams Bachmann Yet Again

Hit piece portrays Michele and Marcus Bachmann as radical anti-gay crusaders, religious zealots.

Media Lauded Meghan McCain's 'Saucy' Memoir but Call Bristols Book 'Trailer Trash'

'Palin Derangement Syndrome' extends to daughter's book.

Filmmaker Hopes for 'Atheist Brokeback Mountain'

'The Ledge' latest, boldest movie to actively promote atheism.

Liberal Media Want Independence from Exceptionalism

Left says America's not exceptional; complain that conservatives think President Obama agrees with them.

Hollywood Celebrities Perform Fake PSA Encouraging Casual Sex Facebook Status

"Friends with Benefits" movie stars petition Facebook to adopt film title as legitimate relationship status

American Library Association Supports WikiLeaks Suspect Manning

Librarian group's backing is not just for gay propagandists any more.
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