
Lefty Hypocrites Level Gay Slurs

Marcus Bachmann, Rick Perry? To Lib Journalists, theyre so gay!

Maxim Editor Compares 'Crazy' Bachmann to Hitler, Hussein and Bin Laden

Joe Levy suggests rapper Kanye West could have also compared himself to the Minnesota Congresswoman.

Showtime Adds Blasphemy to Series Glorifying Serial Killer

'Dexter' promos show serial killer amid religious imagery, killing guilty Christian.

Media Attacks on Conservative Women Just Keep Coming

Unflattering Newsweek Queen of Rage Bachmann cover is latest character assassination.

Producers Pick Lesbian Kiss, R-Rated Movies as Teen Choice Award Nominees

A secretive panel of adults has, once again, picked raunchy material for teens award show

Gay Bean-Counters Give Networks Cookies for Airtime

GLAAD's 'Network Responsibility Report' rewards ABC Family, Showtime, and CW for supporting 'LGBT inclusivity.'

Why is the Media Anti-Hero?

While Hollywood and the media highlight famous criminals, true heroes get tossed aside.

CNN in the Tank for Gay Marriage

Network guests skew nearly four-to-one in favor of gay advocates.

Beckhams' 4th Child No Bundle of Joy to British Greens, Media

Happily married British superstars give birth to baby girl; UK environmentalists cry selfish.

Media Love Anti-bullying Bully Who Wishes Republicans Were "All F**king Dead"

Vile sex columnist who wants to "f**k" GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum featured by major media more than 300 times in last two years
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