
Media Research Center

Daily Beast: Wendy Davis Is ‘America’s Conscience on Abortion’

Conscience in the age of lowered expectations.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Blog: Valentine’s Day Spurs Overpopulation, Global Warming

Blog recommends condoms to save the world. 
Media Research Center

Valentine’s Love or Lust? Top 100 Pop Songs Celebrate Love as ‘Drunk,’ Dirty Sex

Lyrics reveal culture’s twisted notion of what love is.
Media Research Center

Happy Valentine’s! Media Claim True Love = No Kids

Journalists hype “No Kids” couples.
Media Research Center

HuffPo: More Porn Means More Sex

Lefty site pushes ‘positive’ of pornography for Valentine’s Day.
Media Research Center

‘Gender is Too Binary’ for Facebook, Site Adds 48 More Options

Facebook’s transgender software designer praises new feature allowing users ‘customize’ their gender.
Media Research Center

Tebow Vs. Sam: A Tale of Two Draft Picks

Remember the media hate a young Christian generated.
Media Research Center

NARAL President: Pro-Lifers, Tea Partiers Are ‘Lying and Cheating’

NARAL hosts first of many Google Hangouts.
Media Research Center

Cosmo Hosts the ‘2014 Sex Olympics’

The Olympics you don’t want to watch.
Media Research Center

Of the Nets, Only CBS Covered Record Low Abortion Rate

ABC, NBC spare no time for good news.
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