Frank Rich: "Most Americans who don't like Obama or the health care bill are not racists. It may be a closer call among Tea Partiers, of whom only 1 percent are black, according to last week's ...
Thomas Friedman doesn't miss a chance: "Our national debate today is dominated by the ignorant ramblings of Sarah Palin, talk-show lunatics, tea parties and politics as sports..."
Columnist Charles Blow trods some highly questionable ground when insulting black Tea Party activists: "...I saw a political minstrel show devised for the entertainment of those on the rim of ...
Reporter Kate Zernike on the reactionary Tea Party movement: "They tend to be white and male, with a disproportionate number above 45, and above 65. Their memories are of a different time, when ...
Carl Hulse lets Bill Clinton suggest Tea Party protesters may be lighting the fuse for another Oklahoma City bombing: "The pitched attacks by some Republicans and conservatives during the health ...
Adam Nossiter manages to write a story about children in Islamic religious schools in Senegal forced to beg in the streets without describing the religion in question: Islam.
Former reporter Egan takes on the "extreme" Supremes: "This court, activist conservative in the extreme, has never met a corporation it has not coddled, nor a prosecution argument that does not ...
Some more of that hard-bitten Times reporting: "Often called the First Lady of Fashion, Mrs. Obama has a sense of style, as we all know by now, that rivals Jackie Kennedy's. She has boosted the ...
Columnist Gail Collins ironically asks when anti-tax groups will hold "rallies to thank the president for doing so much to reduce the burden on the half of the country least able to pay." ...