
NYT's Top Book Critic Forwards Myth of Obama the Moderate

When was this? Top book critic Michiko Kakutani uses David Remnick's new Obama biography to champion Obama as a pragmatic compromiser: "Perhaps it's also an inclination that explains why he made ...

Ronald Reagan, 'Naive' on Terror

"...Mr. Reagan praised the Nicaraguan contra rebels, who had a bloody record fighting the Communist Sandinistas, as 'the moral equivalent of the Founding Fathers.' In the cold war contest with the ...

Zernike: Will Tea Party Blow Chance to Beat Harry Reid?

Zernike finds possible weak point in Tea Party movement, spends half a story on it: "Still, while polls suggest that Mr. Reid may lose his bid for re-election, it could be in spite of the Tea ...

Times Minds Agree: Liberal Sen. Blanche Lincoln Is Actually 'Conservative'

John Harwood and Jeff Zeleny agree that Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas is a "conservative," though her American Conservative Union rating is a safely left-of-center 19 out of a ...

NYT Interviewer Deborah Solomon Meets Right-Wing Pol Rand Paul, Hostility Ensues

Deborah Solomon once again making conservatives comfortable in her Times Magazine interviews: "You haven't even served in government for five minutes."

David Carr Admits Media Colleagues Missing Palin's Mass Appeal

Media reporter-columnist David Carr suspects the media is missing Sarah Palin's appeal: "Ms. Palin still gets a session in the media spanking machine every time she does anything, but the ...

NYT Reporter Hurls False Racism Allegation at Tea Party Protesters on Capitol Hill

Health-care beat reporter David Herszenhorn led off the latest "Political Points" podcast at "Well there's so many things, Sam. One is clearly there's a racial component. Some members ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note: Obama-Care Protesters = Violent Racists of Civil Rights Movement

Plus: Great Minds Think Alike, and So Do Liberal Times Columnists

The Times Militia Reporting Promotes Favorite Lefties at Southern Poverty Law Center

A would-be domestic terrorist group in Michigan sends the Times running for quotes from the unlabeled left-wingers at Southern Poverty Law Center, who see right-wing extremists just about ...

Instant Karma's Gonna Get You...

A reporter chiding a blogger for misspelling a word manages to misspell the word "misspell."
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