
Vatican Responds to NYT Accusations Against Pope Benedict XVI

Cardinal William Levada, a top Vatican official, issues a rare plea in response to Times coverage of how the Church handled several cases of alleged sexual abuse by priests, and what Joseph ...

Thank Goodness: Obama-care 'Will Lower the Costs of Being a Woman'

The Times' Denise Grady cribs from a feminist group to accuse health insurance companies of sex discrimination, something that will be cured under Obama-care: "Being a woman is no longer a ...

More Bits of Anti-Conservative Bias from Sarah Lyall in London

"As the privileged son of a baronet and an important figure in the Conservative Party, which has traditionally been allied with wealth and elitism, [George Osborne also had to show that he ...

Michiko Misinterprets Novelist Ian McEwan, and Says 'Greed' Causing Global Warming

The paper's liberal book critic strikes again in a misguided review of Ian McEwan's latest novel "Solar," about a hypocritical science fighting climate change: "This self-deluding scientist will ...

The Times Finds a Politically Slanted Television Show: '24'

Brian Stelter on the cancellation of the Fox action-drama "24," after eight seasons: "The series enlivened the country's political discourse in a way few others have, partly because it brought to ...

NYT Ties Apocalyptic Domestic Terror Group to Threats to Dem Lawmakers

No connection, but we'll bring it up anyway: "A law enforcement official said the plot appeared to be unconnected to recent threats against Democratic lawmakers who voted for legislation ...

Making Obama-Care a Racial Issue

Reporter Kevin Sack makes a racial issue out of Obama-care in a dispatch from Georgia: "At constituent meetings in three rural towns, every white speaker, save one, commended Mr. Barrow for his ...

Outrage Over Obama-Care? Blame Sarah Palin, Says NYT's Health-Care Cheerleader Herszenhorn

Outrage over Obama-care? Blame Sarah, says reporter and Obama-care cheerleader David Herszenhorn: "As lawmakers headed home, they confronted an outpouring of public rancor at public meetings, ...

Prominent Republican Gets Actual Death Threat, NYT Suddenly Drops Concern Over Threatening Protesters

After devoting several stories to unsubstantiated allegations of racial epithets by Tea Party protesters last weekend, the Times almost ignored an actual death threat made against a top ...

Weather Underground, Tea Party Movement: Just 'Varying Degrees of Rage'?

Domestic terrorists Weather Underground and peaceful anti-tax protesters of the Tea Party movement - just "varying degrees of rage" according to a photo caption accompanying Benedict Carey's story.
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