
Media Research Center

One Day After Discrediting Gender Pay Gap, CBS Brings on Obama Ally to Promote It

After CBS White House correspondent Major Garrett thoroughly dismantled White House rhetoric on the supposed "pay gap" between men and women on Tuesday, only twenty-four hours later, CBS This ...
Media Research Center

ABC Doubles Down on 'Louisiana Republican' Caught in Affair, Yawns at Democratic Scandals

For the second day in a row, Good Morning America on Wednesday devoted a full report to investigating Vance McAllister, the married "Louisiana Republican" who was caught on camera kissing a ...
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell Urges Sen. Feinstein to Slam Fmr. CIA Chief as Sexist

On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Tuesday, host Andrea Mitchell kept pushing the left-wing talking point that former CIA director Michael Hayden was somehow being sexist when he criticized the ...
Media Research Center

CBS and NBC Ignore White House Hypocrisy on Equal Wages for Men and Women

On Tuesday evening, the networks all dutifully touted President Obama's call for equal pay for women in the workplace. NBC and CBS ignored Obama's hypocrisy – the pay gap that exists among his ...
Media Research Center

CNN's King Calls Out Obama On Pay Gap Hypocrisy: 'He's Sticking His Hand In This Blender'

On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's John King targeted President Obama and his administration for their "textbook case...of do as I say, not as I do" on the issue of equal pay for women. After playing a ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Cheers Obama's 'Triple Win' on Equal Pay, Downplays WH Hypocrisy as 'Inconvenient'

During live coverage of President Obama signing two executive orders on "equal pay" on Tuesday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell announced: "He is basically signing an executive order which will be ...
Media Research Center

NBC Documentary Ignores Skeptics, Insists ‘97 Percent’ Agree on Climate Change

Ann Curry links ‘extremes’ cold, heat, drought, fire and more to global warming in spite of scientists who disagree.
Media Research Center

ABC Reminds: Congressman Caught in an Affair Is 'Conservative' and a 'Republican'

Good Morning America reporters on Tuesday reminded viewers that a Congressman who has been caught in an alleged affair with a staffer is a "conservative Republican." GMA, which is co-hosted by ...
Media Research Center

CBS Destroys White House Rhetoric on Gender Pay Gap; NBC and ABC Ignore

On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, White House correspondent Major Garrett completely dismantled President Obama's left-wing talking points on the supposed gender pay gap of women making 77 cents ...
Media Research Center

CNBC, Bloomberg Businessweek, WaPo Claim Too Many Jobs is Bad for Economy

Media report a problem that doesn’t exist according to Heritage Foundation economist.