
Media Research Center

Howard Kurtz Rips Media Double Standard On Mozilla CEO's Resignation

On Monday's Special Report, Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz ripped the media double standard on the resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich. After news surfaced that Eich supported ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore New GOP Claim That IRS Did Target Tea Party Groups

Monday's network evening news casts ignored a new GOP claim Tea Party groups were indeed singled out for "systematic scrutiny" by the IRS. House Republicans released a report that said the IRS ...
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz Claims the 'Mainstream Media' Isn't Being 'Fair' to ObamaCare

On his Monday show, MSNBC's Ed Schultz ripped the "mainstream media" for not being fair enough to ObamaCare. Of course, the only examples of "media bias" that Schultz displayed were from ...
Media Research Center

NPR Boosts NAACP and ACLU's Activism After Court 'Gutted' Voting Rights Act

Carrie Johnson's Monday report on NPR's Morning Edition could have been mistaken as an informercial for the left-of-center ACLU and the NAACP's efforts to help "protect minority voting rights," ...
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell: Criticizing Democratic Senator's Biased Report is Sexist

On her 12 p.m. ET hour show on MSNBC Monday, host Andrea Mitchell accused former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden of being sexist simply for criticizing Senator Dianne Feinstein's slanted ...
Media Research Center

New Climate Alarmist Tack: Go Green for God

HuffPo blames right-wing pundits for leading evangelicals away from warming gospel.
Media Research Center

Media Crisis: 'Has David Ortiz Ruined the Presidential Selfie for the Rest of Us?'

On Monday morning, NBC, ABC, and CBS all found an excuse to cover Obama's selfie with Red Sox player David Ortiz one more time, expressing their collective fear that the White House may ban ...
Media Research Center

Thomas Friedman On Questioning Global Warming: ‘That’s Not Conservatism, That’s Trotskyite Radical’

“New York Times” columnist Thomas Friedman took a nasty swipe at conservatives over the subject of climate change on Sunday April 6. Friedman appeared alongside Heidi Cullen of Climate Central on ...
Media Research Center

David Gregory Frets About Whether ‘Democracy Is for Sale’ Following Supreme Court Ruling

Last week, the Supreme Court eliminated limits on how much money individuals can donate to all campaigns in any two-year election cycle and NBC’s David Gregory lamented how “American democracy is ...
Media Research Center

Business Insider and Slate 'Reporters:' 'Extremist' Mozilla CEO Akin to Supporter of Slavery

Jim Edwards, the deputy editor of the Business Insider website, and's tech reporter Will Oremus slammed former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich on the Friday edition of BBC World Service's World ...