
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews and Joan Walsh Call Those Disputing ObamaCare Numbers 'Birthers'

On Thursday's Hardball, host Chris Matthews and guest Joan Walsh disparaged conservatives who disputed the administration's ObamaCare enrollment numbers "birthers" and "truthers." "What can ...
Media Research Center

Blackout: 140 Days Since ABC's 'Nightline' Has Covered ObamaCare

As of April 3, 2014, it's been 140 days since the once-vaunted Nightline covered ObamaCare or any of the problems associated with it. Instead, the ABC News program has mostly avoided hard news, ...
Media Research Center

CBS Hosts Thrilled By Prospect of 'Powerhouse Women' Like Hillary Clinton 'Ruling the World'

On Friday's CBS This Morning, co-host Norah O'Donnell touted Hillary Clinton attending the Women in the World summit alongside International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde: "One of the ...
Media Research Center

USA Today Echoes Occupy Wall Street

Paper uses high CEO wages to argue workers aren’t getting paid enough.
Media Research Center

Kudlow Blames Weak Recovery on ObamaCare’s ‘Incredible Uncertainty’

CNBC economist dismisses predictions of 2014 ‘surge.’
Media Research Center

Networks Refused to Give President Primetime Air for ObamaCare Victory Lap

On Thursday, BuzzFeed reported that NBC, ABC, and CBS turned down a White House request for primetime coverage of a presidential address on Tuesday to spike the football on ObamaCare ...
Media Research Center

Kickstarter Funded ‘After Tiller’ Abortionist Documentary, Rejected Gosnell Movie

Filmmakers react to Kickstarter’s bias.
Media Research Center

ABC Uses Footage of Hateful Westboro Baptist to Slime CEO Who Opposes Gay Marriage

According to Good Morning America's Linzie Janis, a CEO who made a donation in opposition to gay marriage is the same as the hateful members of Westboro Baptist Church. On Friday, Janis reported ...
Media Research Center

NBC Promotes Global Warming Special: 'Did Climate Change Just Hit Home?'

Teasing an upcoming special on global warming hosted by Ann Curry, on Friday's NBC Today, news anchor Natalie Morales hyped the danger: "The head of the World Bank is warning that climate ...
Media Research Center

Sharyl Attkisson: Morell's 'Bizarre' Benghazi Testimony Contradicts Past Claims About Attack

On the Thursday edition of WMAL's Mornings on the Mall radio show, Sharyl Attkisson spotlighted the Obama administration's many inconsistencies in their claims about the September 11, 2012 ...