On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, co-host Gayle King adopted liberal spin on the ObamaCare contraception mandate being challenged in the Supreme Court: "It pits the rights of a woman's access to ...
With only a week to go before ObamaCare's sign-up deadline, the networks
ignored the law entirely on Monday evening even though the latest estimate has the administration one million sign-ups ...
The journalists at ABC's World News on Sunday enthusiastically touted a fawning question from a Democratic activist to Hillary Clinton. After anchor David Muir insisted that "it didn't take long ...
On Monday's New Day, CNN's John King refreshingly spotlighted one of President Obama's key campaign promises from 2008 about foreign policy during a discussion about how to respond to Russia's ...
With one week to go before the March 31 ObamaCare enrollment deadline, Monday's NBC Today completely skipped any reporting on the latest sign-up numbers
still being below administration ...
Ignoring the most important part of the story, CBS This Morning reporter Jan Crawford hyped Michelle Obama for promoting free speech in China. Yet, Crawford never mentioned that American ...
Global warming activists’ arguments are for the rich and ignore harm to the poor, according to one CNBC host. CNBC
“Street Signs” co-anchor Brian Sullivan said on March 21 that climate ...
In a report for Monday's NBC Today, political director Chuck Todd described how "Democrats
seem comfortable with the idea of a coronation of Hillary Clinton" in
2016, as "many of them are ...
First Lady Michelle Obama spoke to students at Peking University in China over the weekend and spoke of the need for China to limit its censorship of information and controlling access to the ...