
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS Trumpet Mrs. Obama's 'Ping-Pong Diplomacy' in China; Omit Press Shutout

Friday's CBS Evening News and ABC's World News both glowingly harkened back to a prominent past example of bilateral exchange between the U.S. and China, as they reported on Michelle Obama's trip ...
Media Research Center

Race Baiter Extraordinaire Sharpton Complains About Sen. Paul’s ‘Cynical Use of Race’

On Thursday’s PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton was irritated that Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) dared to suggest that President Obama should be more concerned about NSA spying because of our ...
Media Research Center

Networks Tout Michelle Obama's Sightseeing and Ping Pong in China; Still Ignore Press Ban

All three network morning shows on Friday fawned over First Lady Michelle Obama's visit to China, but the broadcasts refused to mention that reporters had been banned from accompanying her on ...
Media Research Center

Networks Shield Government from Blame for 176 Deaths During Government Motors Ownership

GM bailout could prevent some from suing over faulty ignitions, despite media’s 98 percent blackout of government bailout.
Media Research Center

NBC and CBS Declare Michelle Obama's China Trip 'Not Political'; Ignore Press Being Banned

On Thursday, NBC's Today and CBS This Morning dutifully parroted the White House line that First Lady Michelle Obama's trip to China was "not political" but ignored the fact that the press ...
Media Research Center

ABC Touts Skater Johnny Weir's 'Amazing Style and Eye-Catching Outfits' In Gay-Divorce Story

Michael Rothman hyped Johnny Weir "amazing style and eye-catching outfits" in a Thursday item for about the openly-homosexual figure skater's "split from his husband." Rothman labeled ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Obama 'Takes a Break from World Affairs' to Fill Out March Madness Brackets

During a report on Thursday's NBC Today about the impact of NCAA March Madness office pools on worker productivity, correspondent Kerry Sanders casually touted: "March Madness, an American ...
Media Research Center

CBS Boosts White House's Final Push for ObamaCare Before March 31 Deadline

Bill Plante acted as a stenographer for the Obama administration on Thursday's CBS This Morning, as he spotlighted the "multi-tiered state and national effort to get young people enrolled" in ...
Media Research Center

Elle Places NARAL President in 10 Most Powerful Women List

Calling your opponents un-American and agitating for the most extreme pro-abortion position doesn’t just get you attention of Daily Kos or Democratic Underground. It can get you props from a ...
Media Research Center

NBC's 'Today' Finds It 'Surprising' Obama Not On List of Greatest Leaders

On Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie touted an exclusive preview of Fortune magazine's list of the world's 50 greatest leaders and wondered about one name that was absent from the ...