
Media Research Center

Happy St. Patrick's Day from MSNBC: 'Tradition of Irish Catholicism Was a Bigotry Against LGBT People'

On Monday's MSNBC News Nation, host Tamron Hall teed up Michael O'Loughlin from The Advocate to promote his screed against the St. Patrick's Day parade organizers in New York and Boston for ...
Media Research Center

Director Oliver Stone Touts Putin's 'Popularity,' Blames Bush Sr. for Mistreating Russia

In a Facebook posting on Monday, far-left director Oliver Stone touted the "popularity" of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the wake of the move against Crimea. Stone credulously hyped, "The ...
Media Research Center

Marcotte Compares Abortion to Cavity Removal, Calls Babies ‘Time-Sucking Monsters’

Pro-lifers are ‘liars,’‘anti-choice kooks.’
Media Research Center

Only Fox News Hits 'Spectacular Failure' of Obama Transparency Claim; Networks Yawn

Despite Barack Obama's self-congratulatory claim in 2013 that he is running the "most transparent administration in history," several watchdog groups this week have hit the President for being ...
Media Research Center

Ban ‘Bossy?’ Beyoncé Says ‘Bitch’ 9x in New Album

The Beyoncé hypocrisy shines through.
Media Research Center

ObamaCare Enrollment Still Falling Short, CBS Spins it as 'Milestone'

Following the release of new ObamaCare enrollment numbers on Monday showing five million sign-ups – still two million short of the original seven million goal set by the administration – ...
Media Research Center

Science Blogger Backs Prof Who Wants Climate ‘Deniers’ Tried for ‘Criminal Negligence’

Philosophy professor the latest to call for prosecution of skeptics.
Media Research Center

ABC Ignores Death of Heiress Involved in John Edwards Scandal; CBS and NBC Skip Dem ID

ABC News completely ignored the Monday death of heiress Rachel "Bunny" Mellon, who used her wealth to help conceal the mistress of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards. CBS ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Latest North Korean Missile Launches; Cover Fashion Designer's Death

As of Monday evening, ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover North Korea's firing of 25 short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan on Sunday. did post an ...
Media Research Center

Networks Yawn as Obama Administration Gives Away the Internet

The United States government announced on Friday that it would give up control of the Internet to a global organization. Fox News extensively covered this development, but the network morning and ...