Appearing on Wednesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, Executive Editor Richard Wolffe asserted that Tea Partiers want someone to "be annoying and inflammatory" in responding to ...
Chris Matthews played his favorite type of game on Thursday, using the comments of one Republican to generalize the entire conservative movement. This time, the Hardball host pounced on remarks by ...
While NBC and the rest of the media slammed Mitt Romney in 2012 for daring to voice security concerns about the London Olympics, Friday's Today
show welcomed the former Republican nominee with ...
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Friday appeared excited over the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, hyping the "cannabis capitalism" in the state and a new "pot tour" business that has ...
On the Thursday, January 23, PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton characterized voter ID laws as a "poll tax" as he celebrated the 50th anniversary of the abolition of poll taxes with the ...
In a live interview with former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie grilled him on his interactions with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie: ...
The annual March for Life took place Wednesday in our nation’s capital,
and MSNBC marked the occasion by inviting a slew of pro-choice guests
onto its daytime programming to slime the pro-life ...
On the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, CNN's senior legal analyst
smeared the entire pro-life movement in saying on Wednesday's AC360 Later, "They want women to have no control over their own ...
CNN's Piers Morgan tried to get Ann Coulter to admit she's a "female
Glenn Beck" and "part of the problem" for her "divisive" and "partisan"
rhetoric, on Wednesday's Piers Morgan Live. Glenn ...