On Tuesday, ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning newscasts all hyped the White House's announcement that President Obama's would meet with Pope Francis in March, and emphasized their apparent agreement on ...
On every program since Chris Christie’s bridge scandal broke on January 8, the MSNBC Chris Matthews has smeared the Republican governor as just like Richard Nixon in Watergate. Matthews has done ...
On Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams – who reportedly earned $13 million a year in 2012 – quoted Karl Marx while hyping a new report on global income disparity: "...the staggering ...
All three networks on Tuesday morning continued to pile on Chris
Christie, offering gloating coverage about how his “glory days” have
gone terribly wrong. After recounting everything ...
In a fawning puff piece on Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis on NBC's January 15 Today,
correspondent Maria Shriver celebrated the liberal abortion heroine as
an "overnight sensation" ...
On Saturday's Melissa Harris-Perry show, MSNBC host Harris-Perry made an over the top analogy about the liberal fight against laws restricting abortion as she invoked the art of judo and asked if ...
On Friday's All In show on MSNBC, host Chris Hayes rejoiced in the "victory" of the Iran sanctions bill in the Senate being stifled, as the MSNBC host expressed his hope that viewers of the show ...
Calling in to Monday's NBC Today, weatherman Al Roker was giddy as he told his fellow co-hosts about attending Michelle Obama's White House birthday party: "...it
was literally a house party. It ...
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, MSNBC Morning Joe
host Joe Scarborough acknowledged how eager his colleagues at the
left-wing network were to take down Republican New Jersey Governor Chris