
Media Research Center

In Front of Sharpton, MSNBC's Wolffe: 'There Are People Who Enjoy the Politics of Race'

A big irony occurred on Tuesday's PoliticsNation when MSNBC's race-obsessed host, Al Sharpton, devoted a segment to fretting over right-leaning talk radio hosts and FNC hosts who have complained ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Sharpton Defends Wendy Davis's Misleading Bio, Just 'Minor Details'

On Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton pretended that the misleading details liberal hero Wendy Davis has used to exaggerate her biography are merely "minor details" and actually ...
Media Research Center

CBS Hypes Lefty San Francisco Tax on Buses as a 'Symbol of Income Inequality'

CBS This Morning journalists on Wednesday pushed a new San Francisco tax on buses as a symbol of "income inequality" and failed to identify a liberal organization supporting the move. The ...
Media Research Center

NYT Reporter: Why Does Netflix Documentary Show 'Human, Warm Side' of Romney That His Campaign Could Not?

During a report on Wednesday's NBC Today about an upcoming Netflix documentary of Mitt Romney's two presidential runs, New York Times reporter Ashley Parker scratched her head over the footage ...
Media Research Center

Networks Rush to Label Former Governor Bob McDonnell a Republican

Less than 24-hours after former Governor Bob McDonnell (R-VA) was indicted on 14 charges including conspiracy and fraud, all three network morning shows immediately identified McDonnell as a ...
Media Research Center

Unlike NBC, CNN Investigates Wendy Davis's 'Stretching the Truth' With 'Misleading' Bio

Unlike the journalists at NBC, who last week offered a fawning profile of "overnight sensation" Wendy Davis, CNN's Anderson Cooper on Tuesday night actually investigated the "misleading" claims ...
Media Research Center

Pope Francis Sends Prayers to March for Life

Media may ignore massive annual gathering, but Pontiff doesn’t.
Media Research Center

On PBS, David Remnick Praises Obama Administration As Scandal-Free, Pro-Science

David Remnick of The New Yorker told PBS's Charlie Rose that President Obama may go down as a historically "big" president -- partly because there has been "no scandal" in his administration and ...
Media Research Center

‘Gimme Shelter’: Film a Game Changer in Abortion Debate?

Film defies mainstream Hollywood with pro-life message, all-star cast.
Media Research Center

5 Cool Ways to Remind Senators How Biased Media Are on Climate

CEI’s Horner provides three key questions for journalists if they want a more detailed debate.