
Media Research Center

ABC's Stephanopoulos Frets Over Bobby Jindal Mentioning 'God' at Religious Event

Leading off an interview with Bobby Jindal on ABC's This Week on Sunday, host George Stephanopoulos played a clip of the Louisiana governor and potential Republican 2016 contender speaking about ...
Media Research Center

On MSNBC, Bill Nye Hits 'Unglued' Viewers Who Object to Blaming Blizzard on Climate Change

A severe winter storm about to strike the northeast is caused by global warming? That's the unsurprising suggestion by climate change enthusiast Bill Nye on MSNBC, Monday. The TV ...
Media Research Center

EW Weeps ‘Warm and Vulnerable’ Abortion Comedy ‘Nominated for Nothing’

Entertainment Weekly writes Oscar obituary for ‘Obvious Child.’
Media Research Center

Like Media, White House Misleads on Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Promotional video for ‘wilderness’ plan mostly shows mountains, flowers and animals, even though drilling wouldn’t happen there. 
Media Research Center

Sundance Celebrates Underage Sex and Rape

Hollywood excuses rape on screen and off, if it involves one of their own.
Media Research Center

CBS Host Scott Pelley Asks John Boehner ‘Do You Practice That Scowl?'

Following President Obama’s State of the Union address on January 20, Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sat down with Scott Pelley, CBS Evening News ...
Media Research Center

Wrong: Chuck Todd Claims Overturning Roe V. Wade Makes Abortion 'Illegal'

While badgering Mike Huckabee on Sunday, Meet the Press anchor Chuck Todd inaccurately claimed that overturning Roe V. Wade would make abortion "illegal." The NBC journalist ...
Media Research Center

Meet the Press Panel Hits GOP Over Iowa ‘Freedom Summit,’ Going ‘So Far to the Right’

Following Congressman Steve King’s (R-IA) Iowa Freedom Summit, which hosted several potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates, the panel on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday morning happily ...
Media Research Center

Cokie Roberts: GOP Hopefuls ‘Should Stay Out of Iowa Altogether’

Over the weekend, Congressman Steve King (R-IA) hosted the Iowa Freedom Summit, which featured several potential Republican presidential candidates and on Sunday's ABC’s This Week with George ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Finds No Fault In Obama Refusing to Meet with Netanyahu

Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press, appeared on Sunday’s Today to preview his upcoming show and to discuss the fallout following the White House’s announcement ...