
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell Gushes: Obama’s ‘Economic Message’ Is ‘So Politically in Tune With’ the American People

Following President Obama’s State of the Union address, NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell fawned over the President’s liberal economic proposals of tax increases as “so ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama ‘Got the Post-Election Honeymoon, Not the Republicans’

While previewing President Obama’s State of the Union address, on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd told viewers the President will set out to “do a little victory ...
Media Research Center

ABC’s Stephanopoulos Finds It Credible Barack Obama Can Be Another Ronald Reagan

Without laughing, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday’s World News Tonight advanced the White House hope that Barack Obama will be seen as Ronald Reagan was in 1987, as a President who ...
Media Research Center

New March for Life Video Celebrates Defenders of the Unborn

Prolife protestors overcome freezing temps, challenging travel to save the children.
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer: Isn't Obama Just Trying to 'Trap' GOP With Tax Hike Push?

On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer actually grilled White House chief of staff Denis McDonough on President Obama's tax hike proposal: "During the President's last press conference of ...
Media Research Center

Networks: American Sniper 'Igniting Debate' as It 'Glorifies Killing'?

All three network morning shows on Tuesday spun American Sniper as controversial and possibly as a movie that "glorifies killing." ABC, CBS and NBC played up attacks by Michael ...
Media Research Center

Jon Stewart: Wimpy White House Won’t ID Islam in Charlie Hebdo Shootings

Liberal comedian mocks the ‘Impotence of Being Earnest.’
Media Research Center

ABC’s Jim Avila Promotes Obama’s New Cuba Policy Ahead of SOTU

On Tuesday, ABC’s Good Morning America previewed President Obama’s 7th State of the Union address and the network did its best to play up President Obama’s recent unilateral actions aimed at ...
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz 'Disturbed' By 'American Sniper' and the 'Normalizing of Islamophobia'

Ed Schultz on Monday bashed American Sniper as "disturbing" and contributing to the culture of "normalizing Islamophobia." The MSNBC anchor warned that the late Chris Kyle was "far ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Hypes 'State of the Union Curse' Plaguing GOP Response

At the top of NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, moderator Chuck Todd wondered if a Republican rising star could overcome a major obstacle that has occurred "year after year" for the GOP: "Can Iowa's ...