
Media Research Center

Climate Change Alarmists Bully Media to Call Skeptics ‘Deniers,’ WaPo Agrees

Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson join terminology fight, argue media too soft on man-made climate change skeptics.
Media Research Center

Hypocrite Chris Matthews Hates Hitler Comparisons, But Made Them Himself

MSNBC's Chris Matthews doesn't like it when people compare American politicians to Hitler and the Nazis. Unless, of course, he's doing it himself. On Tuesday, the ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post Deflects from Virginia Dem’s Election While Serving Jail Sentence

On Tuesday, Joseph Morrissey, Democrat turned Independent, was elected to the Virginia legislature despite currently serving a jail sentence connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl ...
Media Research Center

Showtime’s ‘Homeland’ May Drop Muslim Terrorism Storylines after Paris Attack

Show’s writers say it’s for ‘creative reasons’ but admit ‘a scary time to be controversial.’
Media Research Center

NBC’s Peter Alexander: Mike Huckabee ‘Preaching to the Party's Right-Wing’ Ahead of Possible 2016 Bid

On Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News, NBC News national correspondent Peter Alexander reported on the current makeup of the Republican presidential field in 2016 on the heels of news that the Republican ...
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz, Who Compared Limbaugh to Hitler, Slams Hitler Comparisons

Ed Schultz clearly doesn't listen to Ed Schultz. The MSNBC anchor, who once compared Rush Limbaugh to Hitler, on Tuesday decried a Hitler comparison for Barack Obama. Schultz railed against a ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Article on ‘Anti-Immigration’ March in Germany Doesn’t Interview Single Person There

In the Tuesday print edition of The New York Times, an article appeared on A11 about the “anti-Islam” and “anti-immigration rally in Germany” that took place in Dresden on Monday and, in ...
Media Research Center

Variety Editor Laughably Claims Hollywood 'Likes to Avoid Politics'

On Monday's Today, while discussing celebrities at Sunday's Golden Globes expressing solidarity with the French following a series of terrorist attacks, Variety magazine senior editor Ramin ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hails White House's 'Remarkable' Admission, NBC Allows 10 Seconds

NBC's Today on Tuesday offered a scant ten seconds to the White House's backpedaling on skipping the massive anti-terror rally in France. In contrast, ABC's Good ...
Media Research Center

Luke Russert Slams GOP Immigration Bill As ‘Very Far To The Right'

On Tuesday morning, Luke Russert, NBC News Congressional Correspondent, appeared on MSNBC’s The Rundown with Jose Diaz-Balart to discuss the current tensions between the newly-controlled ...