
Media Research Center

Dr. Alveda King: Nicki Minaj Will Realize Abortion ‘Was Bad for Me and My Baby’

Silent No More launches ‘Shockwaves’ to address abortion regret.
Media Research Center

Time, LA Times, WaPo Suggest Liberal Billionaire Steyer as Boxer Replacement

Media favorite Steyer funded liberal candidates in 2014.
Media Research Center

NBC's Andrea Mitchell Frets Over Muslims 'Under Fire' in Europe

One day after a brutal terrorist attack in Paris by Islamic radicals, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell spent much of her Thursday show wringing her hands over Muslims in France and Europe being "under ...
Media Research Center

NBC Show ‘Allegiance’ Mockingly Omits ‘Under God’ From Pledge

Yet again the liberal network snubs Christians and patriots.
Media Research Center

NBC Nightly News Declines to Label Retiring California Senator Barbara Boxer a Liberal

In a news brief on Thursday, NBC Nightly News reported that one of Californi’s two Democratic Senators, Barbara Boxer, would not seek reelection in 2016 and instead retire following “a decade in ...
Media Research Center

NBC Nightly News Allows Correspondent Maria Shriver to Report on Her Own Movie

During Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News, one of the segments focused on a movie set to be released in theaters January 16 starring Julianne Moore as a woman faced with Alzheimers. While the movie, ...
Media Research Center

Foreign Policy Editor Blames Paris Terror Attack on Abu Ghraib

Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, David Rothkopf, CEO and editor of The FP Group, which publishes Foreign Policy magazine, warned against European authorities being too aggressive in ...
Media Research Center

CBS Guest: Tearing Down NFL Stadium Is Racist

The NFL’s San Francisco 49ers moved out of famed Candlestick Park in 2014 after more than 40 years, leaving the stadium with no permanent tenant. As a result, the city of San Francisco announced ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC, Others Decline to Show Charlie Hebdo Cartoons of the Islamic Prophet Mohammad (UPDATED)

Following the deadly Islamic terrorist attack in Paris on Wednesday, major broadcast networks ABC and NBC joined other news outlets in not showing any of the controversial cartoons of the Islamic ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Obama’s Shaky Footing on Publishing Depictions of Muhammad

On Wednesday night, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored the contradicting statements made by President Obama in condemning the terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris as ...