
Media Research Center

Networks Fret Conservatives Posed ‘a Thorny Obstacle’ for Boehner; Will Force Him to be ‘More Confrontational’

On Tuesday night, each of the major broadcast networks devoted time to covering the swearing in of the 114th Congress and the race for House Speaker that saw John Boehner retain his post, but not ...
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz Cheers Obama's Veto Threat, Forgets His Own Support for Keystone

Liberal MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz on Tuesday cheered Barack Obama's veto threat for the Keystone XL pipeline. However, the cable host failed to mention his own previous support for construction. ...
Media Research Center

Ezra Klein Predicts: Strong Economy Means Hillary Would 'Carry 42 States'

Journalist Ezra Klein on Monday pronounced that if economic conditions continue, Hillary Clinton will win "42 states" in 2016. The former Washington Post columnist, now the editor at, ...
Media Research Center

Gas Below $3 in 49 States, Senators Call for Gas Tax Hike

As falling prices poised to be ‘big plus for the economy’ politicians consider ‘option’ of higher taxes.
Media Research Center

NBC's Guthrie Frets Palin Took 'Cheap Shot' at Obama in PETA Feud

In a live interview with Sarah Palin on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie accused the former Alaska governor of taking a "cheap shot" at President Obama while defending herself against ...
Media Research Center

Norah O’Donnell To GOP Rep: ‘Does The Republican Party Have An Image Problem?'

On Tuesday, the newly elected members of the 114th Congress were officially sworn in and CBS This Morning co-host Norah O'Donnell sat down with Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) the youngest ...
Media Research Center

‘Key’ Obamacare Rule Mentioned in Just One Story as It Takes Effect

Employer mandate ignored by 95 percent of network broadcasts although it will cost businesses, could negatively impact Americans.
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Chris Hayes: NYC Mayor de Blasio’s Been Subject to ‘Brutal Attacks’ by NY Police Union

During his MSNBC show All In on Monday, Chris Hayes put up his best defense of far-left New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio against criticism from NYPD officers and their union, lamenting that de ...
Media Research Center

NBC NN Fawns Over Liberal California Governor Jerry Brown Being Sworn In for Fourth Term

While there were six governors sworn into office on Monday, it was liberal Democrat Jerry Brown taking the oath of office for a record fourth term in California that caught the fawning eye of NBC ...
Media Research Center

Dan Savage: Charge Parents For Murder After Teen’s Suicide

Classic example of the left using tragedy to make political and social revolution