
Media Research Center

CNN’s Chris Moody: Optics of Obama Forcing Army Couple to Move Wedding ‘Hilariously Bad’

On Monday afternoon, CNN’s Wolf covered the controversy surrounding President Obama’s playing of golf on a Hawaii golf course that forced an Army couple about to be married there to move their ...
Media Research Center

WSJ’s Jason Riley Tears Into Obama, Sharpton on Race Relations; ‘No Interest in Being Post-Racial’

On the most recent edition of Fox News Sunday, Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley blasted President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and activist/MSNBC host Al Sharpton for having “a ...
Media Research Center

NBC Ignores NFL Coaches Honoring NYPD; Hyped Rams’ Ferguson Protest

Network displays it’s bias by reporting on protests that are distinctly liberal. 
Media Research Center

NPR’s Steve Inskeep to Obama: Have The 2014 Midterms ‘Liberated You?’

President Obama sat down with Steve Inskeep, host of NPR’s Morning Edition, for an interview that aired on Monday, December 29 and was repeatedly tossed softball questions from the lefty reporter ...
Media Research Center

Winning Quotes in the MRC’s Best of NQ Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting

The winning quotes in the MRC’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2014: The Twenty-Seventh Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting,” which this year we’ve dubbed the “Worst of the Worst.” Today and ...
Media Research Center

Majority of Americans Aren’t On Board with Media’s ‘War on Christmas’

Good news this Christmas season.
Media Research Center

Columnist Finds ‘Downside’ to Low Gas Prices, They ‘Undo Progress’ on Green Energy

Detroit News publishes David Lazarus’ claims U.S. ‘dependence’ on fossil fuels is like crack addiction.
Media Research Center

Atheist Salon Writer: ‘Would Anyone Truly Mourn’ Christmas ‘If We Did Without It?’

With Christmas three days away, one liberal atheist took to the far-left website Salon to dismiss the existence of a “war on Christmas” spotlighted annually by conservatives and news pundits, led ...
Media Research Center

Media Double-Standard: Protecting the Protesters vs. Trashing the Tea Party

Nearly four years ago, the media establishment swiftly and baselessly linked the Tea Party to the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. But after this weekend’s murder of two New ...
Media Research Center

If Not for Taxes, Gas Would be Below $2 in 29 States

Media say declining gas prices act like a ‘tax cut,’ while lefties call for higher gas taxes.