
Media Research Center

A Feminist’s Christmas Tale: God Raped Mary

You just can’t make this stuff up.
Media Research Center

BREAKING: ThinkProgress Uncovers Catholic Group Acting Catholic

Those evil Knights of Columbus actually believe that Catholic stuff!
Media Research Center

CBS’s Nancy Cordes Only Plays Up Split in GOP on Cuba; Frets Blockage of Ambassador

During the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley on Thursday, CBS News congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes reported on the continued response from members of Congress to the move by President ...
Media Research Center

MRC's Bozell: Castro a 'Mythological Figure to Left-Wing Press'

Appearing on Fox News's Hannity Thursday night, NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center president Brent Bozell condemned the network news for its lack of coverage of the brutal ...
Media Research Center

NBC Skewers Uber in One-Sided Segment; Hypes ‘a Rough Ride’ and ‘New Concerns’ About Company

In addition to its slanted coverage of the news regarding Cuba, NBC Nightly News on Thursday offered up a biased segment against the growing transportation company Uber by using two incidents ...
Media Research Center

NBC Continues to Shrug Off Criticism of Obama’s Move on Cuba; Frets They’ll ‘Keep’ the Door ‘Shut’

On Thursday night, NBC continued to shower praise in the direction of President Barack Obama’s move to normalize relations with the communist country of Cuba and brush off any criticism of the ...
Media Research Center

Associated Press, Media Analyst Call ABC Meteorologist Weather “Pornographer” for Not Hyping Climate Change Enough

Washington Post Capital Weather Gang rushes to defense of Ginger Zee after ridiculous, sexist attack.
Media Research Center

David Muir Muses: Just When Can Cuba Get Off That Terrorism List?

World News anchor David Muir on Wednesday scored an exclusive interview with Barack Obama to talk about normalizing relations with Cuba. While Muir offered a couple pointed questions about the ...
Media Research Center

Gergen: Obama's 'Most Significant' Foreign Policy Achievement is Climate Change

On Wednesday, David Gergen ranked a supposed foreign policy accomplishment of President Obama higher than the killing of Osama bin Laden during CNN's special coverage of the Democrat's ...
Media Research Center

NBC Cheers 'New Era' in U.S.-Cuba Relations, Barely Notices Opposition

During the five minutes of coverage that Thursday's NBC Today provided on President Obama reopening diplomatic relations with Cuba, only twenty-three seconds was devoted to critics of the ...