
Media Research Center

NBC Laments 'Ugly Compromise' On Budget; CBS Frets GOP 'Christmas Presents' In Bill

On Friday, NBC's Today and CBS This Morning sympathized with left-wing Democrats upset by portions of a budget deal passed in the House Thursday night. On Today, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell ...
Media Research Center

Barbara Walters Still Loves 'Charismatic' Commie Castro

Twelve years after interviewing communist leader Fidel Castro, Barbara Walters is still mesmerized by the "charismatic" dictator. But she is not a fan of the "constipated" Richard Nixon. The ...
Media Research Center

DOJ Debunks WH’s Stats on College Rape, Will Media Report?

Staggeringly lower numbers defeat false narrative on prevalence of rape on college campuses.
Media Research Center

NBC Touts China Slamming U.S. 'Hypocrisy' on 'Torture'; Ignores Crackdown on Hong Kong Protests

Wrapping up a report on Friday's NBC Today about CIA Director John Brennan reacting to the Senate Democrats' "torture report," chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell highlighted: "The ...
Media Research Center

Venezuelan President: U.S. Fracking Has ‘Flooded’ Oil Markets

Maduro said American oil production has ‘hurt’ Venezuelan regime.
Media Research Center

NBC Hails Elizabeth Warren ‘the Liberal Wing’s Newest Star’; Blasted Cruz Over 2013 Funding Fight

During Thursday’s NBC Nightly News, NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O’Donnell heaped praise on far left Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), anointing her “the liberal wing’s ...
Media Research Center

Daily Show: Atheist Group ‘Petty A**holes’ Who Need to ‘Lighten the F**k Up’

Liberal comedy show bashes whiny atheists.
Media Research Center

Blue Christmas: Five Videos of Cops Brightening the Season

These remarkable police departments know how to celebrate Christmas and serve.
Media Research Center

CBS Continues to Ignore Emails of Racist Jokes by Sony Pictures Execs About Obama

On Thursday night, CBS continued to make no mention of the news that the hacking attack on Sony Pictures has revealed emails between co-chairwoman Amy Pascal and film producer Scott Rudin mocking ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Yawn at Crackdown on Hong Kong Democracy Protests; CBS Offers 20 Seconds

CBS This Morning was the sole Big Three morning newscast on Thursday to report that the police in Hong Kong cleared out the main camp of pro-democracy protestors in the former British colony. ...