
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Skip Poll Finding Massive Support for the Second Amendment

In January of 2013, in the wake of the tragic Sandy Hook school shooting, the networks aggressively pushed gun control and compared the struggle for new restrictions to the battle against the ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Mitchell Uses Presser to Recite 'Torture' Tactics to CIA Chief

During a Thursday press conference, NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell seized the opportunity to lecture CIA Director John Brennan as she rattled over the "torture" techniques ...
Media Research Center

Bloomberg to Hybrid Buyers: ‘Don’t Pull Out A Calculator’

Lower gas prices mean Toyota Prius ‘is for drivers who stink at math.’
Media Research Center

Carol Costello: Campus Rape Issue Takes 'Ugly Turn' With Lena Dunham Critics

Carol Costello, who got a kick out of the assault on Bristol Palin, lamented on Thursday's CNN Newsroom that "the national conversation surrounding sexual assault on campus has taken kind of ...
Media Research Center

NBC’s Kristen Welker Berates Congressman Peter King Over ‘Torture Report’

Kristen Welker, NBC News White House Correspondent, served as fill-in host on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports Thursday afternoon and took the opportunity to badger Congressman Peter King (R-N.Y.) ...
Media Research Center

Bah-Humbug: 6 ‘Naughty’ Christmas Themed Episodes

‘Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men’ nowhere to be found here.
Media Research Center

Greenpeace Activists Damage Nazca Lines, Peru Seeks Criminal Charges

AP reports environmentalists in trouble following stunt at archaeological treasure.
Media Research Center

MSNBC Reporter to Rick Perry: 'Are You Smart Enough' to Be President?

In a Tuesday interview with Texas governor and potential 2016 presidential candidate Rick Perry aired on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday, political reporter Kasie Hunt questioned the Republican's ...
Media Research Center

CBS and NBC Skip Liberal Hollywood's Race Jokes About Obama

CBS and NBC on Wednesday and Thursday ignored the revelation that a hacking attack has exposed liberal Hollywood executives making racial jokes about Barack Obama. Only ABC's Good Morning ...
Media Research Center

Pro-Life Leaders Slam ‘Black Lives Matter’ Hypocrisy, Note Black Babies Aborted

In New York, 78 percent of abortions are black, Hispanic.