
Media Research Center

Ann Compton on Obama: He Launches 'Profanity-Laced' Tirades Against Press

According to retired ABC News journalist Ann Compton, Barack Obama launches into "profanity-laced" tirades against the press in off-the-record meetings with reporters. In a C-SPAN interview, ...
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Calls for Ferguson Protesters to Be Time's 'Person of the Year'

Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, ex-CNN host Piers Morgan called on Time magazine to name the Ferguson protesters as the publication's "Person of the Year" for 2014: "If you ask me what has been ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Guest Blames Landrieu Loss on White Racism

On Saturday night, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-La.) lost her bid for reelection to Congressman Bill Cassidy (R-La.) by nearly 12 points and some liberals decided to blame her defeat on white racists ...
Media Research Center

NBC: White GOP Congressional Districts Preventing Immigration Reform

During a panel discussion on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report argued that the reason comprehensive immigration reform wasn’t getting passed was because of ...
Media Research Center

Four Times in One Show, Chris Matthews Compares Ted Cruz to Joe McCarthy

In case MSNBC viewers didn't understand that Ted Cruz is the new Joe McCarthy, Hardball's Chris Matthews on Thursday repeated the attack four times. Smearing the Texas Republican as unhinged and ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Defends Hillary from Claims She Can't Connect With Public

On Sunday’s Meet the Press, Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director, one again played the role of Hillary Clinton apologist as he defended the former Secretary of State from suggestions that she ...
Media Research Center

Predictable CNN Suggests Tea Party Could Destroy GOP

On Sunday, CNN’s Inside Politics spent several minutes hyping the supposed headache Tea Partiers could give GOP leadership despite the Republican Party winning their 54th Senate seat following ...
Media Research Center

Networks Failed to Expose Doubts in Rolling Stone Rape Story; Devoted 11 Minutes on Evening Shows to Initial Report

When the now-retracted article by the Rolling Stone magazine about a brutal gang rape of a first-year student at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house at the University of Virginia was published on ...
Media Research Center

CNN Spends 26 Seconds on Bridgegate Report Clearing Christie; Devoted 8.5 hours on First Day of Allegations

Back in January, when the Bridgegate scandal surfaced, CNN offered wall-to-wall coverage totaling just over eight hours and 35 minutes of coverage on its first full day and featured the Republican ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd: White House Hopes New Defense Secretary Will Be 'Bull In A China Shop'

During an NBC News special report on President Obama nominating Pentagon official Ashton Carter be the next secretary of defense, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd advanced White House talking ...