
Media Research Center

Nausea Alert: Barack and Michelle Obama's Love Story Coming to Theaters

President’s first date recaptured.
Media Research Center

Celebs, Media Touched by Three-Year-Old's ‘Selfless Donation’

In touching move, toddler donates her hair – and the media cover.
Media Research Center

Nets Obsessed Over Bridgegate Scandal, Yawn at Clearing of Christie

In January, the networks deluged Americans with coverage on Chris Christie's Bridgegate scandal, offering a staggering 88 minutes in less than 48 hours. Late on Thursday night, a Democrat-led ...
Media Research Center

Even HuffPo Admits Obamacare Calorie Regulations May Not Work

Liberal site finds experts who say diners don’t actually ‘eat less’ when calories are posted.  
Media Research Center

$4.5 Million Up In Smoke: How Billionaire Steyer’s Anti-Koch Ads Flopped

NextGen’s 7,637 attack TV spots show how not to run a hate campaign.
Media Research Center

Networks Skip Former HHS Secretary Sebelius Suggesting ‘Financial Literacy’ of Americans Is ‘Very Low’

In an interview with USA Today published on its website Tuesday, former Obama administration Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius tried to distance herself from the numerous ...
Media Research Center

CBS’s Pelley to NYPD Commissioner: ‘What Does a Black Man in NYC Have to Fear from the NYPD?’

During an appearance on Thursday’s CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, New York City Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Bill Bratton was asked by anchor Scott Pelley if African-American men had ...
Media Research Center

Ex-Obama Aide Debunks the Media's 'Gruber Who?' Narrative

A former top aide to Barack Obama appeared on CNBC, Thursday, and demolished the narrative, promoted by the administration and some in the media, that Jonathan Gruber is minor figure. ...
Media Research Center

WashPost Touts Dem 'Strike Team' Pushing Immigration Propaganda to Press

In an article for The Washington Post on Thursday, congressional reporter Ed O'Keefe highlighted Democratic efforts to assemble an "Immigration Strike Team" to provide "a rapid response force to ...
Media Research Center

Gosnell Movie Reopens Funding for ‘Serial Killer’ Abortionist Drama

Indiegogo selects film for reopening indefinitely.