
Media Research Center

Nets Obsessed Over Christie Charges, Allow 48 Seconds to Clearing

Last Friday, a Democrat-led investigation failed to find evidence linking Chris Christie to the 2013 traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge. After initially ignoring the report, ABC allowed ...
Media Research Center

‘Big Three’ Boost President Obama Visiting ‘Colbert Report’

On Monday night, President Obama appeared on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report for a friendly interview with the liberal comedian, and Tuesday morning the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) ...
Media Research Center

Prof at University in Denver Rewrites Anti-American ‘Pledge of Allegiance’

Requires students to recite it in his American Civilization class.
Media Research Center

ABC Continues to Omit Role of Democrats in Release of ‘Graphic’ CIA ‘Torture’ Report

On Monday night, ABC News continued to report on the impending release of a report on the CIA’s post-9/11 interrogation methods as though partisanship had no role when, in fact, Democrats on the ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Hype 'Explosive' 'Torture' Report; Omit Its Partisan Origin

On Monday, ABC and NBC's morning newscasts both touted the upcoming congressional report on the CIA's post-9/11 interrogation techniques as "explosive" and "damning." However, neither network ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Worries About Media Bias...When the Left Complains

On NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, moderator Chuck Todd fretted that after the show he would be inundated with complaints about his news coverage, but not from conservatives: "I'm going to get a ...
Media Research Center

As Gas Prices Tumble, Ed Rendell Calls for Tax Hikes

Democratic former governor tells CNBC it is time to raise federal gas tax.
Media Research Center

‘Family Guy’ Christmas: ‘The 2000 Year-Old Virgin’

The virgin being Jesus who’s unfortunate situation Peter tries to rectify.
Media Research Center

‘Family Guy’ Christmas: ‘The 2000 Year-Old Virgin’

The virgin being Jesus who’s unfortunate situation Peter tries to rectify.