
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd: Jeb Bush Exploring 2016 Run 'Helps Hillary'

Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd spun former Florida Governor Jeb Bush announcing that he was "exploring" the possibility of running for president in 2016 as ...
Media Research Center

GQ: Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Joni Ernst Among ‘America’s 20 Craziest Politicians’; Only Three Are Democrats

The magazine GQ released its list of the “20 craziest politicians” in the U.S. on Tuesday and, not surprisingly, the liberal publication selected 17 Republicans for the list compared to only three ...
Media Research Center

Networks Dodge News Judge Has Ruled Parts of Obama’s Executive Amnesty Unconstitutional

A federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled on Tuesday that portions of President Barack Obama’s presidential action on immigration were unconstitutional as “Congress's lawmaking power is not subject to ...
Media Research Center

NBC Reporters Reject Own Poll Showing Americans Support CIA Interrogations

On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Tuesday, host Andrea Mitchell could barely conceal her disgust while reporting on a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showing a majority of Americans ...
Media Research Center

Media Promote Twitter Meme for Nonexistent Anti-Muslim 'Backlash' in Australia

Before the hostage standoff with an Islamic gunman in Sydney had even ended on Monday, the media had already seized on a social media campaign that offered protection to Australian Muslims against ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Trashes 'Balloon Head' 'Demagogue' Ted Cruz

Chris Matthews resorted to school yard name calling on Monday night, lashing out at Ted Cruz as a "balloon head" "demagogue" for his actions opposing Barack Obama's executive order on amnesty. The ...
Media Research Center

CNN Host: Islamic Creed ‘Some Terrorists Use’ Like the Lord’s Prayer

Ashleigh Banfield makes ‘a connection.’
Media Research Center

Why Pets Should Be Legal Citizens Too: the Voxplanation

“Questions No One Is Asking” bin.
Media Research Center

Top 10 Lefty and Media Attacks on Business of 2014

From attempts to shut down shopping on Black Friday, to schemes to end the U.S. coal industry, liberals and the media showed their true anti-capitalist colors this year.
Media Research Center

Surprise: CBS’s Don Dahler Pushes Back Against Lawyer in Bushmaster/Sandy Hook Lawsuit

On Monday night, ABC and CBS covered the news that families of ten people who lost their lives in the deadly school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012 were filing a lawsuit against gun ...