
Media Research Center

NBC’s Mitchell Slams Obama-Castro Comparison...Over Age Differences

Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, has been reporting from Cuba since Wednesday, covering the first face-to-face meetings between U.S. and Cuban officials in decades, ...
Media Research Center

TV News Priorities: 68 Minutes for Under-Inflated Footballs, Mere Seconds for Obama's Release of Terrorists

The three major networks, through Thursday morning, have devoted a staggering 67 minutes and 49 seconds to obsessing over every aspect of whether the New England Patriots cheated in their AFC ...
Media Research Center

NBC Barely Notices Obama Plan to Hike Taxes on College Savings, ABC & CBS Ignore

Introducing a segment on Thursday's NBC Today about parents saving for college, co-host Matt Lauer and the show's financial editor Jean Chatzky spent a scant twenty-four seconds on President ...
Media Research Center

NBC Boosts Hillary Clinton Trying ‘Her Hand At Comedy’

On Thursday, NBC’s Today gave Hillary Clinton some free publicity following a policy speech she gave in Canada on Wednesday.  During a news brief in the 7:00 a.m. hour, Natalie Morales gushed ...
Media Research Center

NBC’s 'Today' Hails ‘Historic Talks’ Between U.S. And Cuba

Following NBC Nightly News’ infomercial for Cuba on Wednesday night, on Thursday morning, NBC’s Today offered up more of the same as the network eagerly cheered the “historic talks” between ...
Media Research Center

Bloomberg's Hunt Hit GOP 'Not Interested' In Governing; Praises Obama for Same Thing

Appearing on PBS's Charlie Rose Tuesday night following President Obama's State of the Union address, Bloomberg View columnist Al Hunt praised it as "one of the best speeches of his presidency" ...
Media Research Center

57 Pro-life Youth Hold Die-In on White House Lawn

Star Parker calls out ‘post-abortive’ media.
Media Research Center

NBC’s Williams Frets Influx of American Money Will Damage Cuban Revolution

Talking to a Cuban woman in Havana, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams despaired over what an influx of American tourists would mean to the wonders of the communist “revolution” with its ...
Media Research Center

NBC’s Chris Jansing Gushes Over ‘an Energized, Combative President’; Scolds Boehner for Inviting Netanyahu

NBC News senior White House correspondent Chris Jansing did her best to provide some White House spin during Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News, hailing President Obama as “an energized, combative ...
Media Research Center

At Davos, Soros-funded Group’s President Says Look to Bretton Woods for Economic Advice

New America Foundation foundation promotes initiative with same name as earlier Soros conference