Families looking for a children’s movie this Memorial Weekend don’t have many options. “Epic,” a new film out on May 24, is one of the few. At the surface, this seemed like a sweet movie about ...
As of Friday morning, NBC News broadcasts had completely ignored an
important scoop from the network's own national investigative
correspondent Michael Isikoff that Attorney General Eric ...
Already moving on from the IRS scandal? On Thursday night, only the CBS Evening News
of the broadcast network evening newscasts bothered to note how Lois
Lerner, the IRS official in charge of ...
Longtime MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell on Thursday lashed out at the Obama administration, complaining that "more than any of its predecessors in recent years [they have], gone after journalists." ...
On the Wednesday, May 22, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell show on MSNBC, host O'Donnell called for the defeat of a "vicious" Senate amendment pushed by Louisiana Republican Senator ...
While Thursday's NBC Today completely ignored Wednesday's
dramatic congressional hearing on the growing IRS scandal, the network
morning show did manage to find time to gush over Barack ...
Pope Francis made waves on Wednesday when he said that atheists can do good; but some media headlines jumped on the chance to portray the new pontiff as bucking Church teaching.
The Big Three networks' coverage so far of the Justice Department's questionable investigation of Fox News' James Rosen has followed a similar pattern to that of their coverage of the Kermit ...