On her Monday show, CNN's Christiane Amanpour celebrated the same "Catholic" Salon.com writer who penned the revolting piece, "So What If Abortion Ends Life?" and who shuddered at an Olympic gold ...
As CBS and NBC both touted
President Obama's Tuesday visit to New Jersey, so too did CNN hype
Obama's "bromance" with Governor Chris Christie as the President tried
to step away from ...
According to Chris Matthews on Tuesday, having Rand Paul or Ted Cruz as opponents would result in an easy win for Hillary Clinton in 2016. The Hardball host, who famously had a "thrill" going up ...
On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, John Dickerson spun a front page scoop from the Washington Post that spotlighted the several private meetings that a top Obama health care adviser had with ...
On Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Tom Costello fretted over
the impact of modest reductions in government spending: "401 parks,
battlefields, monuments, seashores, volcanos, and deserts ...
After initially ignoring reports that two Muslim extremists in London savagely murdered a British soldier in broad daylight, MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Friday finally included the story on his All ...
Shane Smith, CEO of the online news site Vice, has bought into the lefty claims of climate change as he alarmingly warned it’s a "gun to our heads" and likened it to "nuclear war." The journalist ...
On Saturday's Melissa Harris-Perry show, MSNBC host Harris-Perry trashed Virginia Lieutenant Governor candidate E.W. Jackson as she took exception with some of his "pretty disgusting" conservative ...
On Friday's All In show on MSNBC, host Chris Hayes recounted the recent activities of several Republican political figures which he regarded as examples of GOP members "being jackasses," and ...