Initially, the networks covered Anthony Weiner's entry into the New York City mayoral race as the "comeback kid" fighting for a "second chance." However, over the last several days, top state ...
Leading off a report on Tuesday's NBC Today about President
Obama's trip to survey recovery efforts along New Jersey's shoreline
after Hurricane Sandy, White House correspondent Peter ...
Not a syllable Friday or Saturday night on ABC, CBS or NBC about any of the several Obama scandals, but on Saturday night ABC’s World News trumpeted President Obama’s role as “consoler-in-chief.” ...
“Liberal media bias is an old complaint,” the Wall Street Journal’s
James Taranto noted in his “Best of the Web Today” column this past
Monday on responses to the Obama scandals, before ...
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank mocked South Carolina Republican Governor Nikki Haley as someone who has "reached out to a ...
News broke on Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder approved the
Justice Department's seizure of a Fox News reporter's private e-mails, but it took
CNN until almost 5 p.m. ET Friday to ...
Friday's Good Morning America spent a scant 16 seconds on the
newest development in the IRS scandal, the suspension of agency official
Lois Lerner who oversaw the division responsible for ...
Touting the Boy Scouts' "landmark" and "historic" decision to allow
openly-gay members, CBS, ABC, and NBC gave supporters of the decision
three times as many quotes as their opponents got on ...
Friday's CBS This Morning, unlike NBC's Today, briefly picked up on NBC journalist Michael Isikoff's significant reporting from Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder's "signed off on a ...
In an interview with Chris Christie on Friday's NBC Today,
co-host Matt Lauer grilled the New Jersey Governor on his skepticism
that man-made climate change caused Superstorm Sandy: "You said ...