
Media Research Center

NBC Reporters: Why is Obama Admin Backing Down on Targeting Press? 'Everyone Knows How Unpopular the Media Are'

In a stunning example of how desperate the liberal media are to defend President Obama against the numerous scandals rocking his administration, on her Friday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's O'Donnell Again Ties NRA Rhetoric to Ricin Attacks

For a second night on Thursday, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell on his The Last Word show tried to blame NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre for inspiring the ricin-tainted letters recently ...

MSNBC's David Corn Sneers: I Thought 'Charlton Heston Wrote' Ricin Attack Letters

The hosts and analysts on MSNBC sunk to a new low on Friday, trashing the late Charlton Heston as somehow responsible for attempted ricin attacks on Michael Bloomberg and Barack Obama. After Now ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo Gushes Over Gay ‘Noah’s Ark’

Twisting Bible stories for the gay agenda? Yup, that’s right up HuffPo’s alley.
Media Research Center

Hawking His Pro-Obama Book on NBC's 'Today,' Jonathan Alter Applauds President's 'Perseverance'

Appearing on Friday's NBC Today to push his new 448-page love letter to President Obama about the 2012 election – laughably titled, The Center Holds – left-wing Bloomberg columnist Jonathan ...
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Scoffs: 'Why Would Anybody' Join NRA 'After Sandy Hook'?

CNN's Piers Morgan tried to resurrect his desperate push for gun control on Wednesday's Piers Morgan Live. Morgan spat on the NRA and bullied author Wayne Allen Root for joining the organization. ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchor Draws Legal Parallel Between Catholic Teacher's Firing and Sharia Law Stoning

Chalk this one up to the absurd. CNN's Ashleigh Banfield on Wednesday tried to draw a legal parallel between a Sharia Law execution and a Catholic school firing a teacher for violating her ...
Media Research Center

CNN Claims Americans Are Saying 'To Heck' With Obama's Scandals

CNN exaggerated poll numbers on Thursday's Newsroom to claim that Americans are writing off the scandals of the Obama administration. CNN's Suzanne Malveaux and Alison Kosik reported that voters ...
Media Research Center

Bizarre Chris Matthews: It's Like Germany Won World War II Because They Have High Speed Rail?

An unhinged Chris Matthews on Thursday launched into a bewildering rant, lamenting the scandals swirling around the President and suggesting that Germany may have actually won World War II because ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Brokaw Gushes Over Clintons 'Still At the Top of the Attention Span in This Country'

Appearing on Thursday's NBC Today to promote his new show premiering on the Military Channel, The Brokaw Files, special correspondent Tom Brokaw fondly looked back at a 1993 interview he conducted ...