Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

A Stranger in Libertarian Land

A libertarian response to a NYT reviewer's criticism of a book on the movement's history: "...a review in a newspaper that still to this day proudly touts the Pulitzer Prize it received in 1932 ...

NYT Lead Editorial: Rove Can't Dance

Liberal drama critic (turned political columnist) Frank Rich would be proud of Sunday's lead editorial, "The Rovian Era."

Pot, Kettle, Etc. - Times Calls Fox News "Conservative-Leaning"

The Times finds a slant at a media organization.

The Times Slams Pro-Bush Bloggers in Baghdad - Again

First slime, now a slam - what does the Times have against

Watch the MRC's 20th Anniversary Gala Live!

The MRC's 20th Anniversary Gala, featuring the "DisHonors Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting" and the first annual "William F. Buckley Jr. Media Excellence Award," will be streamed live over ...

Ignoring Surge-Related Drop in Baghdad Violence, Times Frets Over Crowded Jails

"The numbers suggested that the security plan's emphasis on aggressive block-by-block sweeps of troubled neighborhoods in the capital had flooded Iraq's frail detention system, and appeared to ...

Soft Treatment for Australia's Al Qaeda Detainee

Was Australian David Hicks, who pled guilty to providing material support to a terorrist organization, just "another Westerner in search of meaning"?

Covering Hillary's Right Flank

"The Republican National Committee's research staff members have already compiled a series of examples that they say show Mrs. Clinton at odds with military interests...General Keane...and other ...

"Merciless" Criticism from a Republican Congressional Wunderkind and "Attack Dog"

Michael Luo profiles Republican Congressman Adam Putnam and his "merciless" criticism and "attack dog" tactics.

Prometheus Bush?

Theatre critic Wilborn Hampton finds modern-day resonance in the ancient tale of an "autocratic ruler who runs roughshod over anyone who disagrees with him."

What's Wrong with the Times' Sunday Magazine?

Another cover story, another falsehood.

Times Frets: Congress Not Yet on Board Amnesty Bandwagon

Uh-oh: Immigration legislation doomed by Congress "moving to the right to assuage conservatives who helped derail" it last year.

Al Gore, "Compelling" "Pop Culture Icon"

Reporter Mark Leibovich lauds Al Gore the science "guru" on Charlie Rose.

Front-Page Play for a Bush-Loathing Mayor

"In Utah, an Opponent of the 'Culture of Obedience.'"

On Hostage-Taliban Swap, Insight from an Anti-American Paranoid

The Times gets perspective from a Communist reporter selling an anti-American conspiracy theory.

Terrorists Hamas vs. "the Pro-Israel Lobby" in the U.S. House

Helene Cooper uses some loaded language.

Al Gore, "Evangelist for the World"

The Times provies a sunny outlook for Doom and Gloom Al Gore on his return to Capitol Hill.

Politically Incorrect Tragedies in Black and White

Who killed Yankel Rosenbaum? The Times won't tell you.

Times Recycles Old Hit Against Bush Environmental Policy

The Times ignores an angle that makes one of its popular anti-Bush voices on the environment, Dr. James Hansen of NASA, look silly.

No Liberals Behind Mass Anti-War Rallies, Just a "Grass-Roots Organization"

The Times did a better job of accurate labeling on Sunday.