Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Times Aching for Singer Akon, Dropped by Verizon for Simulated Sex With Teen

The Times defends an R&B singer who simulated sex onstage with a 14-year-old girl: "Yet others say...Verizon acted unfairly, and perhaps without considering whether Akon could have known his ...

Blame "Legal Gaffes" and Guns, Not Evil Men, for Virginia Tech Murders

The Times suddenly gets tough about homeland security: "After two years of pleas by Senator Lautenberg, the White House finally endorsed a proposal that would give the attorney general authority ...

Times Lets Sharpton Turn the Tables on Romney Over Bigoted Anti-Mormon Remark

Michael Luo takes dictation from inflammatory Al: "Mr. Sharpton said that unlike many conservative Protestants and Roman Catholics, he believed that Mormons were Christians. But he also said Mr. ...

Sowing Front-Page Suspicions of Big Pharma

Is the drug industry the Times' next target? Front-page stories on consecutive days suggest so.

GOP Says Hillary Wants "Socialized Health Insurance"? How Gauche

"Mr. Giuliani invoked Ms. Royal to imply that Democrats, especially Mrs. Clinton, would bring about 'socialized' health insurance. He's leveled that charge before, but the French connection gives ...

Pot Meets Kettle, Again: Times on "Right-Wing" Fox News

"...the Fox News Channel and The New York Post, known for their right-wing political bent and racy tone." Meanwhile, the Times' left-wing political bent goes unacknowledged.

Embracing Liberal "Living Wage," Avoiding Conservative "Amnesty"

Double standards in labeling: The Times doesn't question the dubious "living wage" label - but conservatives can't use "amnesty."

Will Sarkozy's "Divisive Legislation" Lead to More Violence in France?

Craig Smith blames Sarkozy for possible future thuggery: "Many people fear that the violence is just a taste of what is to come if Mr. Sarkozy makes good on his campaign promises to push through ...

The Influential, Conservative "Heritage Society"?

The Times needs to brush up on the names of conservative groups.

Outgoing "Public Editor" Piles on Praise for "An Exceptional Newspaper"

Blunt in-house criticism? Didn't happen.

"Ruthless, Us-Against-Them" Sarkozy Wins French Presidency

Bitter Sciolino on conservative Sarkozy's victory in France: "In this election, authority apparently is deemed to be more important than compassion."

NBA, the Next Civil Rights Frontier

Plus Admiring Liberal Sen. Chris Dodd and Blaming the Gun Lobby for VT Murders

Times Ignores Anti-War, Anti-Bush Rants of Arabic School Leader

"Where some see a bridge between cultures, others see an 'Islamist agenda.'" Guess which one the Times thinks you should see?

Meet the New Public Editor, Same as the Old Public Editor?

Bill Keller praised new Public Editor Clark Hoyt's old newspaper chain for its skepticism over the war in Iraq.

Crowd Likes Bush - Times In Disbelief

"Softball Season" for Bush, whines the Times, after the president appears before a friendly crowd: "...some onetime allies voice worry about the White House creating the impression that he is ...

French Election Watch: Reporter Sciolino Still Doesn't Like Conservative Sarkozy

"Mr. Sarkozy had to avoid looking like a sexist bully; Ms. Royal had to prove herself presidential....Mr. Sarkozy, the former interior and finance minister, had to fight off the demon that has ...

Wrong Again on "Domestic Wiretapping"

More "domestic" misleading about a terrorist surveillance program.

Portraying Illegal Immigrants as Victims for May Day Amnesty Rallies

Julia Preston: "This May 1 there will be another round of rallies and marches, but this time immigrants will also be protesting a surge in deportations."

"Foul" Racial Bias in the NBA?

The Times' crusade for social justice knows no out-of-bounds: "An academic study of the National Basketball Association...suggests that a racial bias found in other parts of American society has ...

Partisan Prosecutors on Only One Side of the Political Aisle

"Some Ask" if Republican attorneys are being unfair to Democrats. Did anyone ask Tom DeLay for comment.