Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Bill Richardson, Immigration Centrist? Not Exactly

Adam Nagourney claims that Bill Richardson sounds like a Republican because he doesn't use the word amnesty to describe his plan for letting illegals become citizens.

Times Buries Mention of Forced Abortions in China

Joseph Kahn's story about Beijing's latest brutal crackdown in the name of population control doesn't mention forced abortions until the fifth paragraph, relying on euphemisms instead.

GOP Must "Atone" for Conservative "Death Grip"

Repent, GOP, says Book Review Editor Sam Tanenhaus: "The G.O.P.'s embrace of the conservative movement is beginning, some say, to resemble a death grip. But there have been no signs of atonement ...

Bad Labeling Habits Continue

Liberal labeling habits: Meet Sen. Ted Kennedy, plain old "Democrat of Massachusetts," and check out the "conservative legacy of the religious right" (as opposed to the liberal legacy?).

Top Book Critic Loves Gore's "Fiercely Argued" Anti-Bush Screed

Michiko Kakutani's fan mail: Gore's powerful book "The Assault on Reason" just as great as "An Inconvenient Truth."

Moral Equivalency Between Israel, Palestinian Terrorists

Israel killed four terrorists, while Palestinians killed an Israeli citizen. But it's all the same for Times' headline writers.

"Saint Albert" Ministers to the Environmental Heathens

Contributing writer James Traub fertilizes Al Gore's "prophetic" image.

NYT Still in Denial Over Fort Dix Six and "What Role Religion Played"

The Times is still in denial about the Fort Dix terrorist plotters: "The authorities have called the men Islamic extremists, but have not detailed exactly what role religion played in the plans ...

Immigration Bill Opposed by "Livid" Conservatives Full of Talk Radio "Anger"

Apparently only conservatives get mad about immigration bills.

Innocent Duke Lacrosse Players Slimed Once Again

Pete Thamel: "Thompson was quick to point out the complexities in the Duke case, which he predicted could be glossed over if the team were to make a run to the national championship. The Duke ...

NYT In Denial on Terror Plot

Plus "Ruthless, Us-Against-Them" Sarkozy and Angry Conservatives

Acquitted of Pollution Charges, Newmont Mining Takes on a Times' Reporter

Accusations by reporter Jane Perlez against a mining company in Indonesia made the front page in 2004, while the company's 2007 acquittal was relegated to Page 8. Now the company is suing.

Debate Double Standards

GOP candidates flashed "conservative credentials" before an "overwhelmingly conservative" crowd - but Democrats don't try to appeal to liberals?

On Death of Jerry Falwell, Times Talks Teletubbies

But the infamous debate over "Tinky Winky," the "gay Teletubby," was started not by Falwell but by gay liberals.

The GOP's "Political Dossier" on a Freshman Democrat

Scary stuff or just politics as usual?

Muted Anti-Bush Protest on College Campus? Stop the Presses

News flash! Bush fails to get universal welcome on college campus!

Readers Take on the Times' Lousy Coverage of the Duke "Rape" Hoax

Public Editor Barney Calame gets a chilly send-off - five letters criticizing the Times' slanted coverage of phony rape allegations against the Duke lacrosse team.

"Unclear What Role, If Any, Religion Played" in Fort Dix Six Terror Plot?

In the face of clear evidence, reporter Alan Feuer claimed "It is unclear what role, if any, religion played in the attack Mr. Shnewer and the five other men are charged with planning."

The "Cult" of Mitt Romney

The Christian Right distrusts Mitt Romney's Mormon beliefs - but liberals and mainstream media don't?

Sciolino Still Holds a Grudge over France's Conservative Sarkozy

He's so mean: "President-elect Nicolas Sarkozy, by contrast, does not believe in saying he is sorry."