Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Democrats Pushing "Populism" (not Liberalism?)

Robin Toner skillfully avoids the dreaded L-word.

Another Friday, Another Leftist Activist to Glorify in a Fawning Profile

Robin Finn's Friday tradition: Fawning over liberal activists in hagiographic profiles, without the burden of balance.

The NYT on Bush's "Prejudiced" Surgeon General Nominee

Three times the NYT says Bush's nominee for Surgeon General considered homosexual sex "unnatural and unhealthy" in a 1991 paper excoriated by gay rights groups - even though the words don't appear ...

Political Correctness Trumps Feminism on the Front Page

No sexism among American Indian lacrosse players, just those from Duke?

Nossiter Finds Real Culprit Behind MS Reform School Abuse - Low Taxes

Southern-based Adam Nossiter uses his favorite left-wing advocacy group to blame low tax rates in Mississippi for widespread abuse of teenagers in state reform schools.

Save NYC from Flooding: Stock up on Fluorescent Light Bulbs!

The Times promotes another apocalyptic global warming study by the left-wing activist group Union of Concerned Scientists.

Finding the "Religious Right" in Pakistan, but No Liberals in San Francisco

Somini Sengupta: The Red Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan, the source of a violent battle between government forces and Islamic extremists, is "the fiery epicenter of Pakistan's religious right."

What Hurt McCain Campaign Most, Iraq or Amnesty? Times Can't Decide

The Times changes its emphasis on precisely what issue is killing John McCain's presidential campaign.

Stolberg Revels in Bush's Fade, Says Press Fears What Liberal Bloggers Think

Does the White House press corps take its cues from liberal bloggers? "Yet with the White House press corps under attack from liberal bloggers as being too cozy with the Bush administration, some ...

Fred Thompson's "Trophy Wife"

Susan Saulny answers the question no one is asking: "Is America ready for a president with a trophy wife? The question may seem sexist, even crass, but serious people - as well as Mr. Thompson's ...

Times Public Editor Again Snipes at Times : From the Left

Clark Hoyt warns the Times against excessive faith in Bush's claims about Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Hillary Forgives Republicans of Their Sins

"Her Methodist faith, Mrs. Clinton says, has guided her as she sought to repair her marriage, forgiven some critics who once vilified her and struggled in the bare-knuckles world of politics to ...

"Public Lives" of Liberals - Times Adores a George Soros Activist

The Times uses its "Public Lives" profile to praise a George Soros liberal.

New British PM a Welcome Respite from Blair's "Apocalyptic View of Terrorism"

Bravo for Gordon Brown's PC approach to terrorism: "Mr. Brown played down the threat, treating the episodes as a crime rather than a threat to civilization. Yet, his minimalist approach seemed to ...

Hillary Sweetens Up the Press

"For the record, The New York Times initially ordered a small vanilla malt - $2.25 - but succumbed to peer pressure after Mrs. Clinton and others joked that vanilla seemed a little, er, vanilla. ...

Today's Lead Story: "Hispanic Unease" Due to Conservative Defeat of Amnesty

Julia Preston: "Some legal immigrants, particularly Hispanics, have said they were unfairly tarred in the debate over the Senate bill, which failed in part because of vehement opposition from ...

Huh? "Disenfranchised" Terrorists in Britain

Mark Steyn mocks "a new New York Times definition of 'disenfranchised': 'complacent liberal assumption designed to reassure readers that they can fit this story into all the old cliches about the ...

NYT Double Standards Abound in Lewis Libby Case

Sheryl Gay Stolberg: Bush down to a "dwindling band" of "conservative believers."

Nativist GOP Doomed By Anti-Amnesty Vote?

"Hispanics may have been deeply alienated by the heated rhetoric" of "the loud echo chamber of talk radio." Also, "supporters said lawmakers had caved in to hateful, nativist, xenophobic ...

GOP "Once Marched in Lockstep" with Bush, Now Revolting

Sheryl Gay Stolberg finds Stepford Republicans and a power-hungry president: "...for a president who once had almost absolute control over his own party and a proclivity to employ his power ...