Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Suddenly, Iraq Isn't Like Vietnam

Not when Bush makes the comparison to defend the war.

A Bizarre Review of a Bizarre Book: "Poems from Guantanamo - The Detainees Speak"

Dan Chiasson: "It is hard to imagine a reader so hardhearted as to bring aesthetic judgment to bear on a book written by men in prison without legal recourse, several of them held in solitary ...

The Times Spies Phony Dangers in FISA Legislation

The Times ventures where even the ACLU fears to tread: "Broad new surveillance powers approved by Congress this month could allow the Bush administration to conduct spy operations that go well ...

"Belligerent Side" of Giuliani Under Wraps in Iowa

The Times waits for Giuliani to show his true colors in Iowa: "There was no sign of the belligerent side of Mr. Giuliani so familiar to New Yorkers...."

The Times Just Can't Forget the Max Cleland Ad

"Mr. Rove was asked whether harsh Republican attacks on the national security credentials of various Democrats in 2002, orchestrated by him, had added to the climate. Among the advertisements that ...

Selena Roberts' "Snitch" Glitch: Snitching Vital in Duke Case, but "Betrayal" Against Vick?

According to Roberts, "snitching" is good when done to foster rape charges against college lacrosse players, but a "betrayal" when done to strengthen animal cruelty charges against pro football ...

Giuliani Friendship with Fox News' Ailes Suspect, but Times Ignored Rick Kaplan-Bill Clinton Ties

Another double standard - the Times runs a front-page "expose" of the Roger Ailes-Rudy Giuliani friendship, but barely touched on the deep ties between Clinton and Rick Kaplan that resulted in ...

Times Questions Giuliani's 9-11 Presence - Yet Never Challenged Kerry's Vietnam Stories

Giuliani's presence at Ground Zero after 9-11 gets scrutiny completely absent from the Times' coverage of John Kerry's Vietnam record.

Leonardo DiCaprio's Trying to Save the World, but No One's Listening

Manohla Dargis on the actor-activist's apocalyptic documentary: "To judge from all the gas-guzzlers still fouling the air and the plastic bottles clogging the dumps, it appears that the news that ...

Partisan Sniping Over Minnesota Bridge Collapse

"Still, Mr. Pawlenty's fiercest critics said they wondered whether the governor was hoping to turn attention toward a new bridge in the coming months and away from an investigation into why the ...

The Times' Muslim-Beat Reporter Again Goes to Bat for CAIR

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has a reliable friend in reporter Neil MacFarquhar.

Times Enters Michael Moore Fantasyland with Criticism of Romney's Sons

Why didn't Mitt Romney send his own sons into Iraq?

Rival Papers to Blame for Muslim Principal's Resignation

Why did a principal who defended the T-shirt "Intifada-NYC" resign? The Times blamed "inadequate support for the principal and relentless criticism from some quarters of the news media, primarily ...

"High School Musical": The Movie, the Show - the Religion?

Yikes: "Just as new faiths grow out of old belief systems (see Judaism and Christianity), 'High School Musical' is essentially derived from a previous mythology promulgated in the latter days of ...

Karl Rove, Polarizing, Divisive Right-Winger

Adam Nagourney scolded: "Many wonder if a strategy aimed entirely at methodically identifying and stoking the party's conservative base, with issues like gay marriage, abortion and terrorism, was ...

The Times Embraces Religious Activists - on the Left

The Times Magazine celebrates a left-wing order of nuns going after ExxonMobil on global warming.

Strange Bedfellows: Supporting Agribusiness to Help Illegals

In its quest to paint illegal immigration in sympathetic terms, the Times ponders the plight of agri-business, which might lose cheap labor if a federal crackdown on employers is implemented.

NYT's Poster Child for Islamic Moderates Falls off the Poster

NYT May 4: "The principal, Debbie Almontaser...has been vilified on Web sites as having an 'Islamist agenda.'" NYT August 11: Almontaser "resigned under pressure after she was quoted defending ...

"Most Conservative Wing" Unlikely Place to Find Anti-Hunger Advocate

"Fitting easily into the most conservative wing of the Bush administration, Josette Sheeran was from the outset an unlikely candidate to run the World Food Program, the world's largest ...

The Greenhouse Effect: Liberal Supreme Court Reporter Demands C-SPAN Cameras Be Turned Off

The Columbia Journalism Review: "...the queen bee of Supreme Court reporters, Linda Greenhouse of The New York Times refused to join the panel if the event was going to be covered by the wonky ...