Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

No Matter Who Runs the Ad, Rudy Still Looks Bad

Give the Times points for consistency - it concludes that both's anti-Giuliani ads and Giuliani's own anti-Hillary ads make him look bad.

"Resegregation" in Alabama Schools (and in Omaha Too?)

Guilt by association: "Tuscaloosa, where George Wallace once stood defiantly in the schoolhouse door to keep blacks out of the University of Alabama...."

The NYT Keeps Its Fingers Crossed for Hillary-Care

Robin Toner: "Some of the romanticism about the virtues of the American health care system may be diminishing, and not just among the audiences who cheered Michael Moore's 'Sicko' this summer."

Depopulated Protest Marches: Making a Vietnam-Era Mountain Out of a Puny Iraq Molehill

"A rally on Saturday to protest the war in Iraq, which began with a peaceful march of several thousand people to the Capitol, ended with dozens of arrests in a raucous demonstration that evoked ...

Times Responds to Accusations of Left-Wing Favoritism on MoveOn Ad

Meanwhile, a Times editorial echoes "Mr. Bush's claims last night about how well the war is going are believable only if you use Pentagon numbers so obviously cooked that they call to ...

Deeply Discounted "Petraeus - Betray Us" Ad Cited Times Reporting - Wrongly

Who's vetting left-wing ads at the Times? The notorious ad inaccurately cited the paper's own reporting when it called Gen. David Petraeus a liar.

Fretting Over Potential Attorney General & "Starkly Partisan" Ted Olson

The Times ignores Olson's legal qualifications in favor of how his nomination as Attorney General might offend Democrats.

Hillary Victim of her Campaign Aides in Hsu Case?

"Mrs. Clinton told aides this year to vet major donors carefully....Yet nine months into her campaign, Mrs. Clinton is grappling with exactly the situation she feared..."

Ignoring FBI Informant Past of "Red Scare" "Hero" Dalton Trumbo

"...Hollywood still quarrels over the heroes and villains of its Red Scare."

How Strange: Conservative Town Thinks US Troops Are on "Our Side"

"...almost none seemed to foresee a happy result for 'our side,' as many in this conservative, Republican-voting place put it."

Does GOP Know Giuliani's Pro-Choice? Either Way, He's in Trouble

The Times plays the abortion card both ways to show Rudy Giuliani will have trouble with Republican voters.

George Bush, "Master of the Malapropism"

Sheryl Gay Stolberg mocks Bush in Australia and says matter-of-factly: "Of course, it is the president's policies, not his food preferences, that irk Australians."

Giuliani's "Political Exploitation" of 9-11?

The Times is determined to limit any political gains Republican Rudy Giuliani gets for 9-11: "...there have been renewed questions about the fuzzy line between somber remembrance and political ...

Piling On Petraeus

The Times takes a cheap shot at Gen. Petraeus: "We hope Congress is not fooled by the silver stars, charts and rhetoric of yesterday's hearing."

Frank Rich Says Katie Couric Drank the Kool-Aid in Iraq

Rich calls two scholars from the left-of-center Brookings Institution "Pentagon junketeers" for daring to suggest things are improving on the ground in Iraq.

At Least Conservative Thompson "Less Doctrinaire" Than Reagan

Eighteen "conservative" labels in a story on the emerging Thompson campaign.

Where Have All the Gay Comic Book Heroes Gone?

The Times unearths a burning issue: "[Perry Moore] also has the fervor of an activist when discussing the dearth - and occasional shoddy treatment - of gay superheroes in mainstream comic books."

The Times Can't Shake Its Skepticism over Terror Plots

Even the undeniable threat foiled in Germany yesterday comes with a caveat: "Europe has been the site of a number of devastating terrorist plots, but some have turned out later to be less than met ...

Blurring the Iraq-Al Qaeda Connection with "Mesopotamia"

So nice, the Times printed it twice in two days: "Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, the homegrown Sunni Arab extremist group that American intelligence agencies have concluded is foreign led. The extent of ...

New Law Passed, Texans Already Going Kill-Crazy

Reporter Gretel Kovach: "A Texas rock musician was shot to death here early Monday by a neighbor who fired through a closed door, thinking he was scaring off a burglar. The incident occurred just ...