Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Overboard on Waterboarding: The Spanish Inquisition?

Philip Shenon: "...they were troubled by the way Mr. Mukasey handled questions about waterboarding, which the United States has fiercely condemned when carried out by other nations and had ...

An Abortionist Profile In the "Health" Section

The Times talks to an abortion doctor about what a "rewarding thing" it was to give pregnant women "back their lives" by killing their unborn children.

Editorial Page Slimes Private Guards in Iraq as "Mercenaries"

The editorial page rubs our faces with the inflammatory phrase "mercenaries." But who protects New York Times reporters in Iraq?

Strong Employment Report "Too Good to Be True"?

The U.S. economy added 166,000 jobs in October, much more than expected - but the Times wrung out as many cold water caveats as it could to dampen enthusiasm.

Cheering on MSNBC's Leftist Line-Up on the Front Page

Slow news day? The Times uses front-page space to cheer on MSNBC's leftist line up (soon to include 9-11 conspiracy spinner Rosie O'Donnell?).

Problem: Finding a Death Penalty to Sate "Blood-Thirsty" Public

Elizabeth Weil finds Americans simplistic and vengeful when it comes to the death penalty.

Pakistan Crackdown "Making a Mockery" of Bush's Democracy Promotion?

Even in Pakistan, everything comes back to Bush: "For more than five months the United States has been trying to orchestrate a political transition in Pakistan that would manage to somehow keep ...

This Just In: Internet Comments Often Rude, Vitriolic

Double standards of offensiveness? Stunned Public Editor Clark Hoyt launches a tirade against a commentor who invited the Times to take in illegal immigrants - but a death wish against Dick Cheney ...

GOP "Smear"-ing Democrats by "Playing the Terror Card"

Reporter Kareem Fahim can't be accused of playing up terror threats: This summer he would not acknowledge the Islamic religious motivation of the "Fort Dix Six" terror plotters.

Times Arrives Late to Good News on Plunging Violence in Iraq

All the other major newspapers either relayed the good news first or gave it more prominent play.

Enola Gay Commander Dies - Times Cited Anti-War "Controversy"

The commander of the Enola Gay died, and the obituary writer for Paul Tibbets couldn't resist injecting historical revisionism, including criticism from a Communist newspaper in India.

The Religious Right Is Dead Again

David Kirkpatrick explains it all in an 8,000 word cover story for the magazine.

Meeting Anita Hill in the Sports Section

Only liberals find sexual harassment lawsuits inspiring: "Browne Sanders inspires many by winning a lawsuit."

A Reporter's Plea: "Did They Know How Hard We Worked to Report the News Fairly?"

Michael Luo pleaded with conservative Christians: "I would try various tacks to defuse their hostility. Did they know there was a difference between the editorial and news pages? What about the ...

Dismissing the Surge's Success

James Glanz: "But another oversight official, Joseph A. Christoff...said some measures of what some see as progress in Iraq were not as clear-cut as they might seem."

Moderators Too Tough on Hillary?

The Times mentioned the intensity of debate questions toward Hillary Clinton three times.

Torture in Syria: Also America's Fault

Maher Arar was tortured in Syria as a result of bad information given to U.S. security by Canada, but Scott Shane keeps the focus on American "torture."

Seelye Celebrates Two New (Unlabeled) Lefty Journalism Projects

"We're taking a look today at two new Web ventures that could help change how politics is covered." But the two sites are staffed almost exclusively by liberal and Democratic activists -what kind ...

Seelye Celebrates Two New (Unlabeled) Liberal Journalism Projects

"We're taking a look today at two new Web ventures that could help change how politics is covered..." But and are staffed almost exclusively by Democratic or liberal ...

Illegal Immigrants Still Cowering in "the Shadows"

The California wildfires gives the Times yet another opportunity to lament about illegals in "the shadows" of society.